53. Nemesis

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Song: BOOM clap - Charli XCX
Does anyone know where I can watch fault in our stars free? The key word being FREE lol.
Anyway your comments made me curious and I'd love to see it!
If you haven't read what went wrong...it's the chapter before this. Go do so. So you don't get confused.
"Once upon a time there was a Princess who lived in a kingdom far, far away; and in that kingdom there also lived a boy and the Princess loved that boy and, so the two decided to marry."

"Now in this kingdom all was not well..."

"So the princess and the boy were set to be wed and because she was a Princess, a call went out for a beautiful dress."

"Now as the wedding day approached, the Princess worried about the evil King. Because, although he had not always been this way his heart had grown dark and his kingdom had grown to fear and despise him."

"In the days before the wedding the king surprised the Princess and gave his blessing to the marriage. But, the Princess was still torn for even though she had found her true love it meant she would have to faithful handmaiden behind forever."

"On the eve of the Princess's wedding a lavish feast was arranged. Friends and royalty were summoned from lands far away to join the happy couple for a night of laughter and magic."

"As the night wore on a calm fell upon the land and all was right in the land, if only for a moment."

"But the people had their struggles as all people do and they had grown to fear and despise the King, whose heart had grown dark."

"But in the end the love between the Princess and the boy was undeniable and true. And, over time that love would see them through anything. Magical things happened to them, things they couldn't explain, much like love its self. And, like most fairy tales the Princess and the boy lived happily ever after... at least I hope they do." - Jake One Tree Hill.

       My lips come in contact with his in a peck but he uses his teeth to hold onto my upper lip preventing me from drawing back. He removes his teeth and uses his lips to envelope my upper lip in a kiss and let's go. He places his head against my shoulder.

"What now?" I say in reference to the future.

"I face my sin," He says.

I wonder what he means but I don't pry.

"Are you planning on staying in 234?" He asks.
I forgot about that. I didn't want to. Not after everything, even if I and Jess got past the lies and betrayal, the rooms past was too dirty for me. Who knows if Lexis deflowered MJ and the other girl in that room?

"No," I say. "I'll go request a room change tomorrow,"

"Do you...do you want to stay here? With me?" He asks.

"Here? This house?" I ask surprised.

"Yes, I figure it's time to make it feel like home again since I've found my home," He says, I smile.

      But living with Lexis in the same home? I had never lived with a guy that wasn't family before. What if something went wrong? It's his place he can throw me out anytime and Lexis is bipolar.

"Please? I'm scared if you go, I'll lose you," He says and that was it the line that could break and mush all my reasoning to nothing.

"What if you send me away?" I ask scared of the bipolar aspect of Lexis.

"Never! I'll never send you away Hera Reynolds and I pray you never let me go," He says and I smile.

"I won't. I promise," I say holding his hands in mine.

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