41. A naked tale

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Dang Gina!!!!!!! No 46 in teen fiction!!!!!!!
You're the best!!!

Song: Say something : Christina Aguilera and a great big world.

I quickly grab my sweatshirt from the side and put it on. My undergarments are on the floor and I'd have to go down to pick it up. So I let it be while thanking God that my sweatshirt is long.

Lexis turns around with a what the heck look on his face.

"Why are you dressed up?" He asks.

I shrug, while holding onto the tip of my sweatshirt pulling it down.

"You need to start loving your body," He says leaning against the now turned off cooker.

"I do," I lie.

"You're lying again," He says a serious expression on his face.

"What type of pizza do you like?" He asks changing topics like he didn't just call me a liar though he stated the truth, I lied.

"Chicken, onion and beef," I say wondering why he asked. He places his hands in his pocket bringing out his phone and types. After typing for a bit, ue looks up and traces his fingers against his lips.

"The t.v. here doesn't work, neither does the cable...I'll turn on the fire," He says walking out of the kitchen. He stops at the door.

"I can manage the sweatshirt but don't put anything on underneath," He says before leaving. I jump down from the table, pick up my under garments and fold them. Holding them I walk towards the living room where Lexis is making the fire. He stops and looks at me from the waist down, seeing no clothing under except my knee length sweats, he turns back to the fire. I smile and sit down on the ground as the couch is covered with a white cloth, placing my clothing on the white fabric.

Lexis leaves the room while I prop my knees to my chest wrapping my arms around it. I look around. Like the room I was in, with the exception of the fire place the room was covered by white fabric.

Lexis returns holding a blanket. He sits next to me and wraps it around my shoulder as our backs lean against the couch.

"Why are the furniture all covered up?" I ask.

"No one's lived here in years," He replies.

"Then where'd you get the food?" I ask perplexed.

"The cupboard," He says and I thank the heavens the meal got burnt.

"Where's this?" I ask.

"My mum's," He says and laughs nervously adding,

"You're the only other person I've brought here,"

He brought me to his mum's home? Why?

"Who was the other person?" I ask scared to hear the answer. His ex?

"Tiger," he says.

What sort of girl is named tiger? I want to ask but I'm too scared of the answer.

"My dog!" He finishes, tapping the ground in between his legs.

I unconsciously breathe out in relief.

"Sit here," He says.

I move over, seating between his legs and laying my back against his front, my head on his chest. He wraps his hands around me holding on tightly. I place my hands on his wrapping mine around his.

"What did she do here?" I ask.

He is silent for a bit and I get worried I've crossed my boundaries.

"Come," He says raising me up with him. He places his hands in mine. They're cold.

        We walk through the hallway into a room. Lexis turns on the light. He walks inside and starts removing the white fabric concealing the things underneath. Revealing canvasses, paints, brushes everything an artist could ever want or dream of.
If I wasn't sure before now I'm 100 percent convinced I was right about his mum.

"What's this?" I ask walking towards one painting hidden behind the rest.

I move to touch it.

"Wait!" Lexis says hurrying over as I remove the picture revealing a picture of a handsome little boy with the sweetest smile hands outstretched as if he was supposed to be holding something but it's missing.

      I turn to Lexis. He has a mixture of emotions floating through his eyes. I look back at the picture. It's him. It's Lexis but a younger Lexis, a happy Lexis. It was overflowing with positive emotions...the equivalent of his drawing of Aphrodite, it was like an answer, this cried of love, joy, freedom, peace and happiness while Aphrodite cried of hate, sadness, imprisonment, war, regret.

"Wow! The love oozing from this, she must have been crazy for you," I say.

He scoffs. Then he starts laughing
"Crazy," He says laughing hysterically.

My eyes widen in realization at my words.
"Lex..." I start.

"So crazy that she couldn't resist killing herself while I watched...actually no...I was the one who made her crazy...you even said so!" He says and starts laughing.

"Lexis," I say moving to touch him. He raises his hands up moving back.

"Don't...I might kill you too," He says his eyes dark.

Lol this feels like a horror movie for some reason lol don't worry it's not.
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