36. love and death

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101 in teen fiction!

Song: Cry - Mandy Moore

"I like the fact that someone like you sees something in me" - Nathan Scott, One tree hill.
"Wanna grab the cleaning equipments since I don't know where they are?" I ask.

He looks at me with an unsure look.

"Okay," He says walking out.

I start picking up what I can making sure not to step on the glass.

Lexis returns with a trash bag and a broom.

I move to collect the dustpan and broom but he stops me.

"My fault," He says.

I remember the glass breaking situation in my room.
For someone who took pride in taking responsibility for his mistakes you'd think he'll do the same for every girl he slept with.

"Those were not mistakes," He says.

Oh Lord did I just think out loud? I quickly rush outside embarrassed. I remember the haunted house and how he said he doesn't regret having sex because he chooses wisely.

Looking through the books I decide on one, grabbing it, I sit on the floor in the library leafing through it.

"Trigonometry?" Lexis asks laying on the ground and placing his head on my lap. Normally I'd freak out and push him away but I don't know why, maybe because of today's revelations. I didn't feel like pushing him away. Neither did I want to.

"It helps me think," I say.

"Are you sure you are not from Mars?" He asks.
I was tempted to remove my leg so his head hits the ground.

     Calculating was my way of calming my nerves a way to relax and forget the world's troubles. To hear him utter those words in his mocking tone did not sit well with me.

"Why does the romance section seem untouched?" I ask changing subjects.

"Are you a romantic genre fan?" He asks and I nod.

"You are not?" I reply, I know most guys who read weren't.

"Seriously?" He asks.

"Yes seriously," I reply.

"I just find it amazing how people read Shakespeare's work who society crowns as the best romance writer and still don't see how evil love is," He says, continuing,

"Let's take for example the worst of all, Romeo and Juliet. They all one way or another kill themselves because of love. Love from the beginning of time till date has torn families apart, broken hearts, led to deaths and unbearable pain. Love always takes,"

"So you don't believe in love?" I ask

"I believe love leads to death and hence shall never dwell in it, if you're smart you won't either," He says shutting his eyes and folding his arms across his chest.

It felt like he was indirectly passing a message. His mum's love for his dad drove her mad and finally lead to her death. His hating it only made sense. Love lead to his mum's death and the death of Lexis' humanity. It killed his mum and killed him.

     I raise my hand to stroke his hair when I hear footsteps and look up, my hand freezing halfway. In front of me is a man in an expensive looking suit with glasses who seemed to be in his fifties looking at both of us with disapproving eyes. Next to him is a younger man in a suit which also looked expensive, holding a brief case. The older man looks at my face then moves his eyes to my leg and Lexis. Noticing his disapproving eyes, I quickly remove my leg causing Lexis to hit his head against the ground.

"What the...!" Lexis says sitting up and stopping as he notices the two men.

"Peter?" He says one eyebrow raised.

Peter? That's what the woman called his dad. My eyes widen in realization. Oh no, that is his dad.
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