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September 27 11million reads
Song: Lotto - Exo


1. Why did you kill Lexis?

Ans: I did answer this already so we shall skip this question.

2. Is Lexis alive?

Ans: Find out in book 2.

3. What is book 2 going to be called?

Ans: You choose;


234's lifelines

4. When is book 2 coming out:

Ans: I write with my tablet but it got broken last week, if I have enough funds to get a new one this week then you may get book 2 next week otherwise in two weeks when I get my upcoming paycheck. But the good news is, I've started working on it.

5. Is Hera pregnant?
Ans: Find out in book 2.

6. Was this a dream?
Ans: No

7. Are Lexis and Hera based on people you know?
Ans: To a great extent yes.

8. Does something exciting happen to Hera?
And: yes lol

9. Why is Peter always poking his nose in his sons business?
Ans: To watch out for him.

10. Can you not write in 3rd person p.o.v?
Ans: Unfortunately not, The next book needs it as there's so much to explain and show. With one person's view we are limited and the next book can't afford that.

The remaining questions I didn't answer as you'll find out in book 2. Thank you to all who asked questions 😊👊

Destiny Buller
Tricia Mawiree
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