65. Defining Scars

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Things aren't always going to be fair in the real world. That's just the way it is. But for the most part, you get what you give. Rest of your life is being shaped right now. With the dreams you chase....The choices you make....and the person you decide to be. The rest of your life is a long time. And the rest of your life starts right now." - Lucas Scott One Tree Hill

4million reads!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much!! #06222016
Song:Perfect - P!NK
"What? No way!" I say quickly turning to get back in the car but Lexis holds onto me.

"Hera if I don't go with you to this dinner then my date will be the daughter of Zinx corporations a company my dad wants to buy out," Lexis says.

"Zinx corporations?" I ask remembering the conversation between his dad and him. He nods.

"Then why won't you, isn't that helping your dad?" I ask not wanting him to go but wanting to know why he isn't going since it was to help his dad's company.

"One, because I would only be playing with her heart to get her dad to sign away his company to us, that me is dead and gone," He says.

"T.I ft JT" I say smiling.

He chuckles and takes a step closer.

"Plus," He says and uses his finger to trace his lips, eyes on me.

"It'd be unfair to my girlfriend," He says.

"Girlfriend huh?" I state and he nods moving closer and placing his hands on the car trapping me in between his arms.

"Do you know who that is?" He asks looking into my eyes.

I nod.

"Who is it?" He asks as his hands move to my shoulders holding onto them.

"It's a secret," I say.

"Secret?" He asks and I nod a mischievous smile on my face, loving this.

"Why?" He asks.

"If I tell you I'd have to kill you," I say.

"That's not fun, who is it?" He says tracing his thumbs against my neck as his eyes darken with lust.

"Me," I reply.

He takes a sharp intake of his breath and leans closer.

"Who are you?" He asks while tracing his hands against my neck line.

"Shakespeare " I say.

"Wrong answer" He says and brings down his teeth against my neck and biting it causing me to take a sharp intake of my breath.

"Again, who are you?" He asks.

"Reynolds," I say having too much fun. He leans back eyes on my lips.

"First name," He says.

"Hera," I say as he leans back in.

"And Hera is?" He asks voice hoarse.

"Your girlfriend," I say and bite my lips.

     His head comes down with his teeth taking my lower lips and releasing it from my teeth. His teeth let's go of my lips as his lips come down upon mine first taking in my upper lip in a kiss. As my hands find its way to his shirt.

"Lexis?" A voice calls out slapping us back to our senses.

    I quickly push him away remembering we are outside in public! Goodness Hera what's wrong with you?! I was so embarrassed I glance at Lexis who looks at me and chuckles clearly knowing what I was thinking.

He turns to the voice that called him and frowns.

"I thought it was you, how are you? Are you here to pick something up for your mum?" The older looking lady asks looking at Lexis.

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