82. Father's

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Piano piece: River flows in you - Yiruma

"What A frightening thing is the human, a mass of gages, and dials, and registers, but we can read only a few and those perhaps not accurately." -- John Steinbeck (voiceover by lucas Scott, One Tree Hill)


"Mum!!!!!!!!" I scream out for help taking advantage of Seth's momentary distraction thanks to Jess' question on walking down the aisle.

That seems to slap my dad back to his senses as he growls out.

"What did you think you were doing?" Walking towards Lexis.

"Mum!!!! JAMIE!!!!" I scream again as my mum and Jamie rush into the room just as Seth raises his hands to punch Lexis.

"Seth!!!" My mum screams stopping his fists midair.

"What is going on here?!" My mum asks rushing to Lexis' side as Jamie holds onto my dad's hand.

"He was kissing Hera!" Seth says.

"Seriously?"My mum says looking at Lexis who grins at her.

"You couldn't wait till we left?" She asks.

"Boys" She says shaking her head.

"Wait you knew about this? About them?!" Seth asks now more angry at the revelation.

"Calm down," She says.

"Calm down? calm down?! I just saw him kiss my daughter and you're asking me to calm down?!" He says.

"She's my daughter too you know? Yet you don't see me throwing punches, calm down and let's talk like sensible adults. You know how I feel about violence" She says.

          Even though Seth was not the violent type it was one of the promises he had made to my mum, to never be violent. Yet he had almost done that very same thing today. Regardless of the reason, my mum was a firm believer in using your brains not your fists. She knew saying those words would get Seth regardless of how mad he was on what he had seen or heard to retreat. It may not end the conversation but it would give him time to retreat thereby giving us all time to calm down and think.

       It works because after that statement, he shuts his eyes and let's out a heavy breath, releasing his white knuckled fists little by little, he finally opens his eyes, turns and walks out.

"You guys stay in here," My mum says and walks out after him.

I look at Lexis and Jamie then sit down on the bed while Lexis and Jamie stand.

"I'm sorry," Lexis says. I look up confused as to why he was apologizing.

"For what?" Jamie replies.

"Causing this mess," Lexis says.

"It was bound to happen anyways," Jamie says seating on the ground at the foot of the bed, Lexis follows suit.

"I'm sorry," Jamie says.

"For what?" Lexis asks.

"Being rude the other day, thank you for saving Hera," He says.

We all stay silent after that, each in our own thoughts. After a few minutes I hear my dad's angry voice yell,

"Are you crazy?!"

I jump up, scared for my mum. I had never heard Seth raise his voice at my mum. That was an everyday thing with Jake but not Seth.

"She is just 18!" Seth yells as I hear something crashing. I take a step forward frightened for my mother's safety as memories from the past make their way into my thoughts but feel hands wrap around my leg.

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