37. Mr Black

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During the days I didn't update, this book reached no 58, 79 in teen fiction!!!!!!! Makes me wonder how?
#ImSpeechless #Thankyou!!!!!! Currently 104!!!
Tablo ft Naul- Airbag
      Lexis leans against the books. I quickly move to get up but he holds my hands as if asking me to stay. I stay put.
His dad looks at both our hands and walks out, the younger man following. Lexis turns to me and gives a smile that doesn't reach his eyes.

"Aren't you attending classes today?" He asks.
"Oh my god!" I say in realization, extracting my hands and jumping up.

"Wait outside, Reid will come get you," He says.

"What about you?" I ask not wanting to leave him to the wolves all by himself.

"I can take care of myself," He says, standing up. He ruffles my hair and walks out.

        I didn't want to leave him alone but then again I couldn't miss class. Sighing, I return to my room to grab my phone making the bed, I look at the night gown, was it his mums? Sitting down I let my hand feel the fabric. Lexis allowed me wear his mums gown...why? Didn't he care? Or was this a sign that he was finally letting me in. I smile and raise it up, what if it wasn't hers but a random girl he had sex with? I take my hand off it quickly as if shocked by an electric outlet and hurry downstairs. As I walk down the stairs, I see the young man at the foot of the stairs.

"Hera?" He asks.

"How'd you know my name?" I ask slightly scared and shocked. Should I be worried he knows my name?

He gives a cunning smile.

"I know more than you'd expect," He says walking closer.
"I'll give you Mr Blacks message. If you're smart, this will be the last time you see Lexis," He says, the smile still on his face.

"Are you threatening me?" I ask.

"Mr black doesn't make threats," He says.

I look on, biting my lips. Was this how he treated all his sons friends or just me? Was it because I wasn't from a wealthy home? Considering he knows my name, he must know my background. I stiffen. Does he also know about....no...I shake my head...that's private information...he can't possibly get that, right?

"You see the thing about diamonds is everyone wants one and everyone when they get it feel they can get it out of its rough state to shine as a true diamond but that's where they are wrong, only experts in the field can do that. I'll give you an honest advice, don't try, you'll only hurt yourself, trying to put back together a broken glass won't end in success and you end up cutting yourself with its pieces if you're not careful," He says.

I bite my lips as he starts climbing up the stairs.

"Not everyone is born with the knowledge," I say and he halts not looking back. Taking that as his listening, I continue,
"People learned, even the so called experts had to learn, just because a glass is broken doesn't mean it's pieces can't be gathered and used to create something better and beautiful than its original form, it's not impossible to repair a broken glass, it's incredibly difficult but with patience, knowledge and determination, it can be done," I say.

"Then remember no matter how many times it makes you bleed, to keep going till you get the beautiful outcome you seek," He says and walks up.

     I was confused, it sounded like he was warning me but also telling me not to give up on Lexis. Sighing I hurry out to the sight of Reid pacing around.

"That was fast," I say.

"I was close by," Reid replies.

"You okay?" He asks. I nod and get in.

As we leave I take one last look at the mansion that now seemed to be a gigantic prison.

"Be okay" I whisper silently to its prisoner.
Peter Black, Lexis Black, Nathan black? Hera Bla... lol Don't forget to vote :-)

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