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Lord Elronds point of view
Lord Elrond sighed so much work to be done but he still had to do it. "My lord Elrond" a voice said. He looked up it was Linder "yes"he enquired. "A letter arrived from lothlorin" stated Linder. "Hmm put it on the table I'll read it in a moment" he said. Linder bowed and left, five minutes later lord Elrond looked up the letter was sitting there. Must be about Ria he then groaned she must have destroyed several fountains by now. He then picked up the letter and started to read

My Lord Elrond
I am writing to inform you about Rias wellbeing. The journey was fine apart from near the end when we were attacked by orcs. No one was killed luckily but Ria was stabbed with a poisoned blade.

She is fine and seems to have recovered and was walking about several minutes as she woke up. She still intends to do some research about her kind. I was wondering if you had any medical notes about children of the moon. I hope to hear from you. Thank you
Lady Gladrial

Lord Elrond sighed. It was true children of the moon had amazing healing abilities just about the same standard as elves but like all mortals they could die. Unlike men they could live for 200 years at most but they weren't immortal like elves.

Ada, Ada Elladen cried Lord Elrond came out of his study. "What is it Elladen I'm trying to work" he said. "We found a child in the river" said Elladen. "What"cried lord Elrond. Elladen took out a bundle of blankets from under his clock. Lord Elrond took her and inspected her. Her heartbeat was slow but steady and by the looks of her newly growing teeth he'd say she was about two months old. Suddenly he stopped she had six canine teeth unlike men who had only four. There was only species he was aware of that had six canine teeth. 'Ada, whats wrong" he herd Elladen say. "But that's impossible" he murmured to himself. "Whats impossible Ada" he looked up at his son who was staring at him. " what river did you find her in" he asked his voice grave. "Well we where riding past the river dean when we herd crying, why do you ask?" Answered Elladen. "Because I think you have found the last surviving child of the moon". He herd his son gasp. "Are you sure?I thought that they were all killed, kaden was destroyed just three days ago" exclaimed Elladen. "I'm quite sure, it's the teeth she's got six canine teeth meanwhile men just have four, anyway I think we'd better get her fed and let her sleep" he stated.

Once he had handed her over to one of the healer and informing her of the situation Lord Elrond headed to his study he had a lot of work to catch up on and he would have to inform the white council about what had happened. They would then meet and decide what to do. Word had spread around rivendell faster than he had anticipated and he knew people would start to worry. Worry if this girl was dangerous, worry about what would follow but until the white council met they would just have to let her be.

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