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A day later the cell doors were finally opened. The prince stood there with a scowl on his lips. I stalk out of the cell not making eye contact. When kaleb leaves his cell we embrace each other for a long time not wanting to let go. We are then led to some sort of training arena. There is a group of about 20 elves waiting for us. They look at us with curiosity and I realise they must be aware that we're children of the moon. I look down to the floor not wanting to be the centre of attention. We train for hours with these elves until we're exhausted but we don't show it. Legolas takes us aside for a moment and asks us if we could show our wolves so they know what we look like in wolf form. I think for a moment. We've always been told not to show our wolves unless absolutely necessary but we do have to fight alongside these elves tomorrow so we agree.

The elves stand in a line waiting. I nod to kaleb and at the same time we change. My wolf walks over to kalebs and we nuzzle against each other as a way of greeting. Stay in wolf form for a moment I thought spoke to kaleb. I then change back into humman form.
"Seeing as we're going to have to fight alongside you we're kind of going to have to work out your sents. To do this all you do is simply place your hand out in front of us and we'll just kinda sniff it like this" I say demonstrating what they have to do.

Nobody moves. I sigh looks like I'm going to have to force them. I look around the group and my eyes stop at a young elllon. "Care to try" I ask him. He pauses as if he's not sure "come on he won't bite" I assure him. He slowly walks towards kaleb. Taking a deep breath he holds out his hand. I hold my breath hoping that kaleb will behave. To my relief he sniffs the elllons hand and puts his head against it. "I think he likes you" I smile. "Right whose next" I say hoping for more enthusiasm they all come up one by one and each time kaleb sniffs their hand and leans into it. Then its my turn. As kaleb changes back into humman form I go into wolf form. It's weird to see kaleb in human form through the eyes of my wolf I've never done this before. We do the same with my wolf and it goes well without incident. I'm relieved that it goes so well because as much as I love the idea of explaining to king thrandil why I bit one of his guards I'd rather just get out of here. It reminds me soo much of rivendell making my urge to run even bigger.

The next day we set out towards this castle thing. I'm relieved I've finally got my bow and arrows back as well as my twin blades and daggers. As we walk through the woods I can almost taste the sense of fear. Although elves are ment to be fearless during battle it doesn't stop them from getting tense before.

As we stand out side this castle fort thingy I hear kaleb snarling. "Orcs for sure I can smell them" he says. "Me too" I reply. We then go into wolf form and lead the group of elves in.Keeping your wolf calm when your in a place that reeks of orcs is hard. We stand in some sort of courtyard and look around. Suddenly orcs attack us from all different directions with one loud growl I leap at them crushing their windpipes as I sink my teeth into their necks. The battle rages on for about an hour until all the orcs are dead. There a few elves who are injured but appart from that nothing too serious. Kaleb seems to be okay with no injury and I don't seem to be injured either. Suddenly an orc jumps out and throws a knife at me but instead of hitting me it hits kaleb who jumps in front of me. I leap forward and kill the vile creature. I then hear kaleb groan as he pulls out the knife from his shoulder. I run over to him and inspect the discarded blade. It doesn't seem to be poisoned which is a good sign. I then try to tend to his wound. The blade hasn't gone too deep but he is loosing blood fast. "We need to get him back to mirkwood. We have healers who can help him" says the prince. I look up I'd forgotten about the elves. They seem to have finished stacking up the bodies and have set fire to the carcasses. The smell is overwhelming. I nod to him and a few of the elves come and lift him up. I'm surprised I thought I'd have to carry him back or help him walk mabey the wood elves aren't as bad as I thought. I walk alongside them keeping close to kaleb. When we arrive back the elves take kaleb straight to a healer. I pace up and down the hall outside the healers bit. I have been told I can't come in due to the fact that I might wolf out. Kaleb is asleep for now while they heal him which will stop him from wolfing out which is good because although he doesn't show it he is in a lot of pain. When I am aloud in I see him asleep in one of the beds
The healers tell me he will be awake in a few hours. We will leave at sunrise.

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