The Shire

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We left as soon as the sun was up. Kaleb had healed well during the night and was now able to move his arm with only a little pain. The king kept to his word and gave us back our wepons and bag. I was surprised to find some supplies in our bags. Lembas bread, bandages and some kings foil. I looked up at the elven king in surprise "take it as a thank you present" he said smiling. I bowed "thank you my King" I murmmered. And with that we left. Our first full moon came the next day it felt wonderful running in the woods with kaleb by my side. Brooke stayed with us carrying our bags as we wandered through the forests and fields of middle earth. It took us a week to reach the shire. I had never been to the shire but my friend bilbo baggins had described it to me as a child. I knew where his hobbit hole was. At the top of the hill with the green door and on it should be a mark which gandalf left many years ago he had told me many a time.
I run through the corridors of rivendell something lord Elrond has told me not to do on several occasions but I do it anyway. I really want to get to the practice fields so I can practice archery. In my hand I clutch a small bow and a quiver of arrows are strapped to my back I got these as a gift for my 7th birthday just a couple of months ago. As I run round the corner I stop I can hear lord Elrond approching and I can't go through another lecture about running in the corridor. Weird I think to myself as not only can I smell lord Elrond but I can also smell something else. It's not man or elf or gandalf it's a smell I don't recognise. I inhale deeply trying to work out what it is. I hear lord Elrond and this other creature talking so I decide to keep walking until I meet them. I don't have to wait long. A few minutes later I meet lord Elrond. Next to him stands a small creature about the size of a small child. Lord Elrond has his back to me so can't see me but the creature next to him spots me and smiles so I smile back. Lord Elrond turns around and spots me "Ria come meet a friend of mine bilbo baggins of the shire." He says beckoning to me. Reluctantly I walk over to them. "Are you a hobbit" I say thinking back to the times gandalf has told me of the shire and hobbits. He smiles and says "yes I'm a hobbit". I smile at him. Then lord Elrond asks "where are you off to" "to the practice ranges" I say indicating to my bow and arrows. "Well we'd better not keep you waiting" he says. With that I walk off towards the practice ranges with a smile.
Lord Elrond point of view
As Ria walks off I smile she's grown so much within the past few years. "I'm guessing she's not an elf" bilbo says. I sigh "No she's not" I say. "Yet she is not from the race of men either. She is a child of the moon". Bilbo looks at me confused "she's part human, part elf and part wolf" I explain. "So why isn't she with other children of the moon" he asks. "Because there are none left. They used to live in a city called kaden. Nobody really knew where it was but we had a basic idea. Orcs attacked on a day when there was no moon, this means that the children of the moon are powerless and don't have their wolf. They stood no chance. They were all slaughtered. We found Ria in the river three days after the destruction of kaden. Shes lived in rivendell most of her life". We walk in silence until bilbo says "poor girl". I nod then we continue on our walk
Present day
We come to bilbo house. We walk up the small path and I knock on the door. The door is opened by bilbo himself. He squints up at us and then murmmers "Ria is that you lass". I smile "hello bilbo my dear friend" I say to him. Bending down to his level we embrace. "How long has it been 7 mabey 8 years you haven't aged at all" I chuckle. He then looks at kaleb standing there all awkward. "And who is this" he says with a smile. "This is kaleb. Wolfblood same as me and a very dear friend of mine" I say proudly. Kaleb blushes and stammers "It's an houner to meet you mr baggins". "Oh just call me bilbo any friend of Rias is a friend of mine" bilbo says happily "come in come in you must have loads to talk about".

We bend down and enter the hobbit hole. It's lovely with tiny bits of furniture all placed out neatly. "I'll make up a pot of tea. Tea is always lovely when sitting and taking" bilbo chuckles as he takes our cloaks. We then sit down on tiny chairs as bilbo makes some tea. "So why you out of rivendell" he asks pouring the tea into cups and handing us them. "Well I got moved to lothlorin for a few months. Then met kaleb out in the woods. And then the white council told me I could go and explore on my 16th birthday. We traveled to gondor, then visted radagast the brown, then we got captured by the mirkwood elves, made a deal to help with an orc infestation they had, kaleb got stabbed in the shoulder and now we're here in the shire having tea with you" I say smiling slightly at the absurdity of it all. Bilbo chuckles "my my you have had quite an adventure. Though somehow I don't think that is quite what the white council had in mind". I shrug "well its what I want to do". We sip our tea and talk some more. It's getting dark outside when we finish so bilbo offers us a room for the night which we accept.

As we lie there me on the bed and kaleb on the floor kaleb says "lord Elrond would not approve if he knew we were sleeping in the same room". I sigh it's true I've always been lectured on etiquette 'oh well what he doesn't know won't hurt him" I say secretivly. And with a sigh of contentment I fall asleep.

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