what do we do

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Lord Elronds point of view
The white council was worried.  He could feel the tension in the air. Lord Elrond sat there thinking.  He thought about many things such as why just Ria,  why so close to rivendell,  where abouts could they keep her. The thoughts raced through his head.

Kaleb had been able to join them and was sitting next to me with a worried expression on his face.  The wolfsbane still hadn't worn  off and I could feel the frustration radiating from him. His wounds were starting to heal but without his wolf he would heal slower.
"Kaleb.  Could you please tell us what happened" said saruman starting off the council.  We all looked at kaleb waiting for him to start. He sighed "well we'd set off from kaden round about sunrise.  We passed through bree then we were walking through the forest.  Ria kept stopping and sniffing as if she could sense there was someone or something watching us. Neither of us could smell or hear anything so we carried on. We were just nearing the borders of the forest when the orcs and goblins attacked.  We were able to fight them off but then more attacked they were able pin us down.  They then forced us to swallow this stuff called wolfsbane which tasted horrible and made you feel as if you were being ripped appart From the inside. They then bound us then they carried Ria off and knocked me out. And thats what happened." He said. 

We all sat in silence until Saruman spoke "why did they only take Ria. It doesn't make sense. Kaleb looked as if he was aware of something that we didn't know. Gandalf had the same expression. "Kaleb.  I think it's time to tell them" Gandalf said gravely. I looked at him confused "tell us what?" I asked biwildered. Kaleb sighed "it was never ment to happen." He said looking at us. Gandalf sighed "throughout the past 15 years I have been looking for other wolfbloods. I didn't believe that they'd all been killed.  2 years ago I'd found the last remaining pack. There's only about 20. I told them about Ria and we came up with a plan. The plan was that they would send sombody for ria to 'meet by chance'. He paused and looked at kaleb "but then i developed feelings for her."Kaleb said. "But whydo the pack want Ria with them" lady Gladrial asked. "Well we've had some of our pack go missing each time they return to us battered and bruised but alive.  The only problem is that they're not wolfblood anymore. They're wolf has been taken. Thry tell us that somebody was trying to erase their memories but each time they couldn't. They were told that they're wolf was too wild.  Thats why whoever it is needs Ria.  Shes tame her wolf won't fight as much." He finished. 

I sit there dunfounded "that's how you knew isn't it that Ria was being hunted" I asked Gandalf.  He nodded. "Then why did you let us let her head off"asked Saruman.  "the plan was that I would tell her and we'd then join up with the pack"explained Kaleb. "So what do we do now" asked lady Gladrial.  "Well I'm going to get in touch with the pack through the moonlight howl let then know whats happhened.  We're going to need their help" said kaleb. "The moonlight what" I asked. "The moonlight howl.  It's a way to conmunicate with other wolfblood. " kaleb explained.  I nodded "rivendell we are going to need all the help we can get. I'm going to contact king thrandill of the woodland relm see if he'll help us". I said thinking . A ghost of a smile appeared on Kalebs lips "I've got a feeling he might help. He kinda ows us a favour. Its a long story. Anyway I'll contact the pack tonight. "

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