Returning Together

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Ria smiled this morning had been lovely. After waking up she and Kaleb had hunted together they had been able to catch a few rabbits and after cooking them they started to walk back to lothlorin eating as they went. They also talked from just an hour she had learnt that Kalebs adoptive mother and father had both been hunters but he had left home as soon as he changed for fear of hurting them. And after she had revealed that she could throw up a protective barrier he had also told her he could control air. She told him a bit about life in rivendell and also taught him a bit of elfish. He was a bit shacky but overall a quick learner. Three hours later they stopped and she informed him that they where about to cross over the lothlorin border and they were most likely going to be greeted with bows and arrows. She then told him to not fight back or growl and that they should be okay. She was right about the bows and arrows as soon ad they stepped over the border bows and arrows were aimed at them from all directions. "Well well looked who come back and by the looks of things shes brought a friend"

Lord Elrond point of veiw
I had rode as quickly as I could to lothlorin as soon as I herd of Ria great escape, I'm worried this is bad all it takes is for her to trust the wrong person and she's doomed. We're all sitting around a table appart from Gandalf who is pacing up and down anxiously. I have never seen him do worried but I guess this is important a whole race could die out and I know that Gandalf is very fond of Ria and cares about her wellbeing. Lady Gladrial looks on edge as if she hasn't slept in days, Saruman is frowning deeply as if he's trying to solve a very hard puzzle and then there's me I'm shocked I never thought Ria would run away all because she caught the sent of another wolfblood. She could have waited but then again Ria is led by her instinct so who can blame her.

An noise awakens me from my thoghts as we hear the shuffling of feet. "Lady Gladrial we found them wandering over the boarder" I look up and there clear as day is Ria standing there, next to her is a boy I've never seen before. Before I can say anything Ria is being hugged to death by Gandalf they embrace for a few moments and then the lecture starts.
"Don't ever run off like that again you've had us all worried sick" Gandalf starts I interrupt"Ria who is this" I say looking directly at the boy. He is about the same age as Ria mabey just a bit taller with the same brown eyes and dark brown hair. Ria pauses she knows everyones listening and they would like an answer. "Um this is Kaleb he's a wolfblood too" she stammers. This when all it all goes silent Saruman is the first one to speak "what, are you sure" he asks "yes he smells like me, he can change into a wolf and he's got six canine just like me, oh and he can control air just like I can throw up a protective barrier" she answers. "Do you mind if I check" I say approaching Kaleb slowly as I know that wolfbloods can get spooked easily. Kaleb looks at Ria and she nods at him encouragely. "Okay" he nods he opens his mouth an I look sure enough there's six canine teeth. He's wolfblood alright I say nodding. Is it okay if I go now get myself cleaned up I'm knackered and I've been running round the forest for hours and I'm filthy. Okay says lady Gladrial go and see if you can find Kaleb a room before you go into hibernation. Okay she motions to Kaleb "come on". As they run out I hear Gandalf chuckle" this could be entertaining.".

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