The Lecture

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Rias point of view
As me and Gandalf entered the libary she knew it was serious. Well like all her previous lectures but the atmosphere was tense. She sat down "Ria, we are all disappointed in you, running off was very dangerous" Lord Elrond started, "and very irresponsible, what would have happened if it had turned out to be an army of orcs or goblins, you could have been killed or worse" Saruman interrupted. "But it wasn't and what could be worse than death if I might ask". 'Enough, Ria you need you learn that actions have consequences"said Gandalf sensing an argument about to break out. Ria slumped in her chair here it comes the punishment she thought. "So for disobeying lady Gladrials order, injuring several guards and running off you shall stay in your room for six days and for a fortnight you shall not be allowed your bow and arrows" stated lord Elrond. "Add on another day for climbing on the roof" added Gandalf. Ria sat there with her mouth open "kill me now please" she begged. "That is all, Gandalf please escort ria to her room" said lady Gladrial. They walked in scilence to Rias room and without looking at him Ria shut the door.

She sat down on the bed. This is possibly the worst punishment ever she thought to herself. Three weeks without my bow or arrows how will I survive. One single thought popped into her head Kaleb. Hmm she thought she opened her notebook and added a new chapter with the heading Kaleb.

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