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Flashback- Sara's point of view 

I walked alongside Ruth as we grumbled about the no moon day in our arms we held reed baskets full of washing and strapped to our backs were Cara and Daniel. "It wouldn't be so bad if we didn't have our chores to do" moaned Ruth. I shifted the weight of the basket onto my left hip, I didn't mind having chores to do I felt it kept me going. We walked along the river mean not to far from the city where most of the women do their washing trying to find a quite spot. We eventually came to our usuall spot by an old oak tree. We left Cara and Daniel in the shade of the oak tree and sat by the river washing the clothes. We both had very little to do as we both usually did our washing at home, but today was a lovely early summer day so we had decided to go do the washing in the river. It felt lovely washing the clothes in the refreshingly cold river but have the sun beating down on you at the same time. We then returned to the babies and watched as the crawled about and played with each other. We then ate our lunch which we had brought with us so we could spend the day out of the city. "As soon as the weather gets better and the holidays arrive I'm going to travel out of the city with emmet and Sara for a few days and head to the coast" I say happily thinking of what Cara's reaction the sea is going to be like. Ruth sighs "mind if we join you" she jests. I smile "not at all we would enjoy you and your families company. 

We then take the babies to the river and to stop them over heating we dip them in the water slightly. They shriek in pure delight so to keep them happy we do it a few more times. We then dry them off with the material of our aprons and start to pack up and get ready to head back to the city.  Suddenly we here three short bursts from a horn of some sort. We look at each other and see each other's fear reflected back in our eyes. Three more short bursts come from the horn, we both start to realise what's happening. "Three bursts, but that means that the city is being attacked" say Ruth fearfully. A long blast comes out of the horn, "orcs" we both say. I realise how bad the situation is it's a no moon day, we're not prepared and we don't have any weapons that will hold the city for long. My survival instinct kicks in. "Ruth follow me" I say emptying my basket. Ruth looks at me as if I've gone mad but she does the same. We run the river and  I hold Cara in a long hug and kiss her for the last time. I place her in the basket and look to Ruth she has caught on to what she will also have to do. We the walk into the shallows of the river and place the baskets in the water and watch them sail off down the river. 

"I'm going back for jasper. He's always said if we go we go together" says Ruth. I nod and follow after her back to Karen. When we get their we fight our way through the gates with the rest of the people who were outside the city. I run all the way back to the house and find emmet. "Where's Cara" he asks fearfully. I feel the tears run down my face as i realise what I've done "I gave her a chance, me and Ruth put them into baskets and set them off down the river. Oh what have I done why did I do that" I sob. Emmet hugs me and says "no. don't cry you've given them a chance to live". He then hands me a sword, I back away from it fearfully. "Don't worry, we can do this" he says but when I look into his eyes I see that he doesn't really think we can live but I take the sword anyway. "Yeah let's do this. We're not going down without a fight" I say trying to reassure him.

The city around us then explodes into screams and cries for help but nobody comes, we are utterly doomed. No we're not I think to myself Cara and Daniel are going to live. A group of orcs run into the house. They are heavily armed and outnumber us 4 to1but west and our ground we're not going down without a fight. They split us up and start to fight us I am able to kill one of the vile creatures but them I hear a groan from behind me. Emmet he's been stabbed, I stand there frozen and in my sadness and Orc is able to stab me as well. We both stand there looking into each other's eyes I watch in horror as he coughs up blood an then collapses to the floor dead. I fell tears pouring down my cheeks but I can't cry in front of these ours.

Third person point of view

One of the orcs grabs a fistful of her hair. She doesn't react but they know she's still alive barely. He slams her head against the stove and splits her head open. She lies there her eyes unseeing dead with a pool of blood gathering around her head. 

The orcs have no problem killing the rest of the city. Many try to run, some plead, others just stand there. The bodies are pilled up and burned, the orcs plunder the city taking anything of any  value to them clothes, coins, children's toys it's all taken. Somethings are left behind pots, tables, cups things that the orcs have no use for. The houses are set alight and a plume of smoke rises from the city. The orcs think that they have killed every last child of the moon. They know that the children of the moon had no allies  and that they all lived within the city walls or not far. They don't realise that at this moment two baskets are floating along the river Dan carrying the last two wolfbloods. 

The baskets float along together carrying precious  cargo. But as the two baskets come to the bit where the river Dan splits and becomes the river Dean and the river Duncan the float apart from each other. The one carrying Daniel floats off down the river Dean the other bobs along the river Duncan. One leads to the world of  men the other to the land of rivendell of the elves.  

Hi. I really feel that this song connects to the story.  It's all about the beginning of a new world but also the end of the old one.  I like to think that kaleb and Ria are the new type of wolfblood because while their parents the old fashioned type of wolfbloods stayed in the city and didn't have any contact with the outside world which in a way led to their defeat kaleb and Ria mingle with different races.  Let me know what you think.

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