Kaden As It Is

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We walk for another day enjoying the scenery. We come across what looks like to be farmhouses and from what I remember from Radagasts notes we are now coming closer to the ruins of Kaden. Apparently not all wolfbloods lived in the city and that there were many farms surrounding the area supplying Kaden with food and other materials such as wool and leather, apparently many men worked on the farms who came from the city, they simply arrived in the morning and went back to their families in the evening. As we walk through the field I start to wonder if my father once worked these lands, or was he a solider or a blacksmith, a trader or something completely different. I accidently step on something so I lift my foot to see what. to my horror I realise that I have stood on something that resembles a child's doll. I pick it up gently and without a moments thought hug it to my chest Kaleb comes up from behind and puts a reassuring hand on my shoulder. Its a reminder, a reminder that it wasn't just adults that died during the attack but children as well. Babies, toddlers, girls, boys, young adults, they all died.

We come to the city walls. we just stand there for a moment as if we're paying tribute to those who lost their lives trying to protect the city. It feels weird entering the long destroyed city because although there are still the odd unburnt houses standing their like soldiers the rest of it is just destruction and silence. We creep through the city as if we might wake someone but there is nobody to wake. We enter one of the still standing houses and it's a sorry sight. Nothing has changed from the day Kaden was destroyed, the table is upturned, there is an empty cauldron hanging in the fireplace. tears well in my eyes as I catch sight of a blood stain on the stove as if someone has cracked their head on the stove although that's probably what happened. As we go deeper into the city we see many things. There is a burnt out market with ruins of what looks like stalls and holding pens and we also pass stables and what looks like some sort of armoury. We then come to a large building which we guess is the town hall. As we enter the building a horrible sight meets our eye. There is splatters of blood on the walls and distruction all around. Sheets of paper with wolfblood written on them litter the ground. I pick up a piece of paper, I always wondered why I was forced to learn wolfblood. To me wolfblood was an easy language, easier than elfish, dawarfish or any language of middle earth. Kale be although he had never been taught it but somehow he was able to read, write and speak it just as well as me. The piece of paper seemed to read something about some sort of trade that some merchants had made.

As night started to fall we decided to set up camp in one of the still standing houses. As we lit the stove as thought to myself that we were the first people to light this stove in over sixteen years. As we ate the last of our lembas bread and I realised that we would have to hunt tomorrow. "Tomorrow's a full moon" commented Kaleb. "Can't wait" I replied smiling. "It's gonna feel strange changing in the feilds of Karen. I mean it's probably where our parents used change, used to work, to relax" he said sadly. A feeling of sadness swelled within me as I thought about. Looking round the house I said "this used to be someone's house". We sit there for another hour talking and chewing on lembas bread and before we go to sleep we wander out of the walls and howl at the almost full moon.

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