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Ria's point of view
I clutch onto the bedpost with all my strength. It feels like I've been in labour for days but in reality it's only been a few hours. Legolas stayed true to his word and there's been no interference from the elven healers. " Breath" says keri holding my hand. I pant just like she has shown me and the pain subsides. Five minutes later it returns now like a burning fire within me. " I need to push" I shriek. Keri nods and helps me onto the bed. "Push at the next contraction" she tells me. I grip onto the bed sheets. "Ahhhhhhh" I scream as I push.

Out it comes in a hot, slippery rush. Then I hear the cry, the cry of a newborn baby. Keri cuts the umbilical cord and wraps the squirming bundle in a blanket. " Congratulations, Ria you have a baby daughter" she tells me. I fall back against the pillows smiling. I've done it I have a daughter. Keri carefully washes her and turns round to face me "I'm guessing you would like to hold her" she asks. I nod excitedly. She carefully hands me my daughter. The little girl looks at me with sapphire blue eyes. I smile at her "well aren't you a cutie. Keri then coughs "we'd best get on with the afterbirth" she says. The afterbirth takes half an hour but as soon as it's finished keri hands me my daughter. I'm tucked under the blankets and made comfy.

Kalebs point of view
Ria smiles at me as I enter the room. In her arms she holds a bundle of blankets. " Is that" I ask my voice chocked with emotion. She nods " do you want to hold her" she asks. "A daughter I have a daughter. " I say. I go and sit down in a chair next to her. She looks exhausted but is still able to smile. She hands over the warm bundle and I carefully hold my newborn daughter close. "I wonder why she's got blue eyes I mean we've both got brown eyes. " I comment. Ria shrugs " either mine or your parents must have had them I guess. I like them though it makes her different from us". I smile in agreement. "What are we going to name her" I ask. Ria beams at me "I was thinking of the name Kasa" I told him. He nodded in agreement " I like it. It suits her. Welcome to middle earth Kasa" he says kissing her on the forehead lovingly. She yawns and closes her eyes and falls asleep in his arms. Carefully he lays her down in a basket at the end of the bed.

He kisses me gently and says " I shall go and inform the pack. ". I nod understanding that it is something that will probably bring celebration throughout the night. As soon as he leaves I swing my legs onto the floor, get up and walk over to a bowl of water that has been left for me. After washing away all the sweat and blood I start to detangle my hair. As soon as that is done I loosely braid it an snuggle back up into bed. A knock at the door is heard and kaleb pops his head round the door " you have visitors" he informs me. I push myself into a sitting position and give him a nod. He strides into the room confidently. In behind him walks in legolas and king thrandil himself.

I nod my head politely to both of them, I honestly didn't think that I would get a vist from legolas or king thrandil. Legolas clears his throat awkwardly " we didn't mean to disrupt you but we are aware that you're planning to leave in the early hours of morning and that we'd probably not get to meet the new addition to your pack" he explains. I nod "I understand, she's currently sleeping but I don't think she'll mind been woken up" I tell them. I nod to kaleb and he picks Kasa up from her basket. She wakes up and smiles at her father not minding in the slightest that she's been woken up. " Would you like to hold her " he asks them. " Are you sure. She's so small I wouldn't want to hurt her" says legolas. " You'll be fine" I reassure him. He nods and kaleb hand her over to him. "What are you going to name her " king thrandil asks. " We've decided on Kasa" I tell him. He nods " it suits her" he says approvingly. " Would you like to hold her ada" asks legolas. "Okay" he says. I see his eyes soften as he holds her and she smiles at him with her big blue eyes.

Lord Elronds point of view
That night I had a strange dream. I saw Ria and kaleb sitting with the rest of their pack. In Rias arm's there is a baby girl. This must be their daughter I think to myself. the scene changes to an council in rivendell with ria and two other children of the moon sitting next to her. Yet again the scene changes to a battle at what looks like helms deep by the looks of things. The girl I saw in the other scene stands there in armour standing along side legolas of the woodland relme and a dwarf. Alongside them there is elves standing there with their bows ready. The scene fades and I am left in darkness I hear a voice speak
"She will be different. She will not fear fire like other children of the moon. She wil have better hearing than anybody in middle earth. She will be a friend not just to other children of the moon but with men, dwarfs, hobbits and elves alike. She will be able to speak not just common tongue and wolfblood but elfish and dawarfish as well. She will doubt her self as a leader because she does not have the qualities of her mother but she is a natural born leader. The earth will always guide her"

I sit up and ponder about my vision. It seems to be that Ria and kalebs daughter will have a role to play in the very survival of the free people of middle earth.

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