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Ria's point of view
It took her a few minutes to get used to the gloom. She looked around. As she lifted her hand to her forehead she realised that she couldn't. There were chains around her wrists and ankles. She tugged at the to see how much movement they had allowed her. It wasn't much but enough to lift her hands slightly but only slightly.

She looked around the room. It was only lit by a dim candle in one corner and had a rack of instruments of tourcher close enough for her to see but far away so that she couldn't reach them, just look. She shivered as she looked at them. I won't scream she told herself over and over again, deep down she knew she wasn't that strong.

She shyed away as something entered the room. It looked like a man but she could feel the evil radiating from him. He walked over to her slowly. Another man like creature walked behind him.

"You sure that she can't transform" he snapped at the creature behind him. "Yes master. The wolfsbane should last for another few days" she other creature replied. He nodded then walked over to me. He grabbed her chin and yanked her head up to face face him. She recoiled away from him "so useless without your wolf aren't you" he purred. "What did you do to me?" She asked sounding more brave than she felt. The creature laughed "wolfsban. Takes away your wolf for a few days. Not that we need to worry about that. In a few hours you be fighting for us". She growled "never I will never fight for you I would rather die". The creature laughed "oh but you will. You won't be able to remember anything about your past".

He turned to his companion. "Tighten her restraints we'll begin the process." His companion nodded and walked over to her. He pull the chains hard until she was up against the wall unable to move.

The master walked up to her. He nodded thoughtfully and pressed his fingers against her forehead. She immediately felt a presence in her mind. He was searching through her memories for the ones he wanted her to forget. A memory of her playing with Arwen flashed up no she thought. The memory was gone. Another memory this time of her being taught by elladen and ellorhir about how to use a bow and arrow. Gone. It went on like this for hours, one moment the memory was there then she couldn't remember it. A final memory came up it was of her and kaleb sitting on the roof talking. No she thought I will not loose kaleb.

They were then brought back to reality. The creature held his head in his hands. "Are you okay master" asked the other creature. He nodded "I'm fine. She's fighting back. It matters not I'm almost finished. " he stated. He then pressed his fingers against her forehead. The memory came up again but this time she was prepared. Kaleb kaleb she thought over and over again. But he was also ready the memory started to fade. It was gone.

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