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Lord elronds point of view

He looked at the wolfbloods that sat across from him analysing each one in turn. Kaleb was easy he looked worried and was constantly looking down at his hands. The the other one Keri had a motherly looked about her her eyes flickering about as if constantly looking for any sign of danger. Arrow sat there looking the calmest out of the trio, he was obviously the alpha from the way that Kaleb had talked to him yesterday. "How many wolfbloods have gone missing from the pack" he said trying to start a conversation. Arron looked at him "four but they all come back battered and bruised and with their wolves missing" he said sadly. "All but two have died, their immune systems aren't as strong as they used to be. Their bodies aren't able to cope with the change let alone the psychological damage" Keri added. Gandalf looked at her "psychological damage" he asked sounding shocked. Keri nodded "not just from the torture they've been through but from loosing their wolf. Being wolfblood, it's all that we know, it's part of who we are". She shut her eyes for a moment and Kaleb stood up and put his arm round her to comfort her. "Could the same happenen to Ria" lady galadrial. Arron shook his head "the theory is that rias wolf is tame. She's never lived within the pack and she doesn't loose control. Her wolf won't be able to fight back" . I felt a twinge of sadness Ria not been able to fight off darkness this was bad.

"Do you have any idea where she might be" ask Saruman. "Well the wolfbloods captured all mentioned that they were taken to an old fortress, they said it looked like it had been abandoned for decades." Keri said. Gandalf stood up "I have an idea. I think they might be talking about dol gordol"

I stand up "but that was where we saw the dark lord sarron arise almost 70 years ago" I say getting more and more worried about Ria's saftey. Gandalf nodded "I fear that Ria is in more danger than we could ever imagine. That is why I have sent a message to king thrandil of the woodland relme and also king thedon of rohan, this is more than a rescue mission I fear it could be a full scale battle." He says urgently. I sit there shocked years of peace are about to come crumbling down. "The guard of lothlorien will fight if they need to" states lady galadrial. "The pack will fight" says Arron. I sit down and say "rivendell will fight as well".

We sit there in silence thinking about what is to come, the death, the horror, the bloodshed. "It will take another 3 days until the lothlorin guard and the woodland relme guard arrive. We March on the fourth day" States saruman sounding grave. The concil ends and the wolfbloods head off. "Kaleb could I please speak to you" I ask. He nodds and follows after me. We stand in the corridor I turn and face him "you look tired" I state. Its not a question it's obvious that he's exhausted. He nods "I've been finding it hard to sleep. Every time I close my eyes I see her". I smile reassuringly "she's alive. You must not give up hope" I say kindly. He nodds "how are the pack treating you?" I ask. He shrugs "like always. Sone of them are suspicious of me but the rest seem to accept me" he answers. I nod "I'll give you some pills that should help you sleep" I says. He smiles gratefully "hannon le (thank you)" he says politely. I'm surprised it's the first time I've heard him speak elfish. The shock must show on my face because he says "Ria taught me a bit of elfish while we were travelling". I smile "sounds good" I say smiling.

"I'd better get back to the pack" he says. I nod "see you later" I say. He smiles and runs off back to the pack. As I watch him go I think to myself about how alike he and Ria are in many ways. "Strange" I murmmer to myself and walk towards the infirmary to see if I can get him those pills. A good peaceful sleep will do him good.

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