A dinner party

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Flashback- Ria is 9 years old"Come in give me a twirl" laughs arwen

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Flashback- Ria is 9 years old
"Come in give me a twirl" laughs arwen. I stand there my arms folded. "Do I have to wear a dress. More to the point do I have to be there?" I moan. Arwen smiles "yes now come on turn around." She says firmly. I slowly turn around. It's not often I'm forced to parties but lord Elrond is insisting that I go to this one. Arwen claps excitedly "oh Ria you actually look feminine" she says. "Can I please get out of this dress now" I whine. She nods "of course. You've got your lessons in half an hour have you not" she asks. I nod, I was personally hoping to skip those lessons and go and practice my archery but now Arwen will insist on walking me to class so no such luck.

I change into a simple green dress and wrestle my hair into a braid.I then step out from behind the changing screen. Arwen looks me up and down and nods approvingly.

We walk down the corridor in a confertable silence. I smile at Arwen before I walk towards the door into my lessons. I nod at the other girls all about the same age as me and take my seat preparing myself for utter bordem.

"Ria" lady Ennýnil says sharply snapping me out of my daydream. I chew my lip nervously "yes my lady" I ask her nervously. "What was just saying there" she asks. I look at
Eril one of the few elleths I'm friendly with "lothlorin" she mouths silently. "Lothlorin" I stammer. She looks shocked that I could answer correctly. "Well Ria what can you tell us about lothlorin" she asks testing me. I think back to all the books I've read. "Well... its close to the mines of moria and it's currently ruled by lady Gladrial and lord Celeborn" I say confidently. She nods then goes in with the lecture. I try to listen and copy notes from the board.

"That was close" says Eril as we walk along the corridor after lessons. I sigh "I know. So I'm guessing your going to be at the party tonight?" I say trying to steer the conversation away from my lack of attention in lessons. She smiles and nods her head 'yes. And I hear you're going to be there as well" she enquires. I nod reluctantly. She squeals with delight "oh good I'll finally get to see you dolled up" she laughs. I roll my eyes "you've seen me dolled up before" I say. She nods "yes but that was when we were little. I remember you moaning about wearing a dress and all that. That's what drew ne to you. You're different from all the other girls here.". (I should probably explain that me and Eril met under a table. I was only 4 at the time and I was board).

"Ow, that hurts" I moan as Arwen brushes my hair. "It wouldn't hurt so much if you'd brushed it before you had your bath" she says softly. I sit there on the stool while Arwen starts to style my hair, I have been scrubbed clean and am currently sitting in my dress trying not to complain too much. Arwen is already dressed in a lovely dark blue dress with a silver circlet on her head. The dress I'm wearing is light turquoise with a green belt. Unlike Arwen I don't have a circlet but I'm fine with that (See picture above for Rias dress). After another 5 minutes of torture we're finally ready. We walk silently down the corridor not talking.

When we enter the hall the party has just began. There are elves talking and being merry. I catch sight of Eril and walk over to her. "Ria. You look feminine tonight" she says smiling. I stick my tounge out at her. Eril herself is dressed in a lovely pale green dress with a small white gem on a necklace. She looks lovely unlike me who sticks out like a sore thumb.

I notice many elves are beginning to take their seats so I say to eril that I'll see her later and take my place next to arwen. Lord elrond is sat at the head of the table and elladen and ellorhir sitting across from me. I start looking around the room, looking for a table that I can seek refuge from after eating.  Ellorhir spots me sizing up a table and smile "nuh uh. No way am I let you hide under a table the whole night.  Me and elladen are not having a repeat of last time where we gad to literally drag you out" he says.  I stick my tounge out at him and he returns the gesture.  After Lord elronds speech I fill my plate with an assortment of different food.  "Looks like ellorhir and elladen will be watching you tonight" teases arwen.

After dinner me and eril talk for join a bit and then we join up with another group of young elleths and I listen bored as they talk about the young elllons attending tonight. "So Ria any young elllon here caught your attention" asks one of the elleths. The groups eyes are all fixed on me. I shrug " not really" I say plainly. She's not convinced "There must be someone" she persists. I decide not to answer so u just shake my head. They decide to leave me be and go back to their conversion. I excuse myself and go for a wander. "I hear that Boridhren has a thing for her" I hear one of them say. I blush slightly and decide that some fresh air will do me good.

As I am outside I catch a wiff of Arwens sent and decide to follow it. I hear two voices one is definitely Arwens but the other I do not recognise is male. I peep round the corner to see who it is. I get the surprise of my life when I see what I see. Arwen the calm and composed elleth I know is in the embrace of some man I have never seen before. They kiss passionately under the light of the full moon completely unaware that I am there. I decide I'd best just leave tjem when I accidentally stand on a fallen leaf making it crunch. The two lovers jump away from each other "whose there" asks the man. I gulp busted. I step out from the shadows to comfront them. I see the mans eyes widen in surprise meanwhile Arwens shoulders slump with relief. "I didn't mean any harm" I say quietly. Arwen walks over to me "why aren't you at the party" she asks. "I needed some air and then I caught your sent I was curious. I'm sorry" I say. Arwen bends down until shes eye level with me. "Ria, you can't tell anybody what you saw alright" she pleads. I frown "not even elladen and ellorhir" I question. "No not elladen and ellorhir. Especially not ada please" she says. I nod then turn off and walk back to the party

Arwens point of view
Aragon comes up behind me and places a hand on my shoulder. "Do you think she won't tell" he asks concerned. I nod "yes I think she understands not to tell". He sighs in relief "what does she mean that she caught your sent". I turn around to face him "Ria is the last child of the moon. She was found by elladen in the river a few days after the destruction of kaden her home city. We believe that she might be the last of her kind" I say. Argons eyes widen in surprise and he nods thoughtfully. "Whats a child of the moon" he asks. I smile " It means that she's part human, part elf and part wolf " I say. "Sounds interesting. You'll have to tell me more about it tomorrow. Right now I believe we were sharing a pretty good kiss" he jokes. I smile and our lips meet yet again.

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