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One year later
Thank the valar they have sn archery range here or I would go crazy Ria thought as she rushed along the forest floor. It had been almost a year since she'd traveled from Rivendell to lothlorin and she was already bored. She shot at all the targets not missing one and decided to head back but not after a long walk. She'd kept her book up to date and had added some new chapters with the help of the lothlorin library. She had sketches of the wolfblood city kaden her place of birth and had added in some of her medical notes as well. She was almost sixteen and this ment she could finally request that the white council let her roam the endless roads of middle earth. But most of all to go back to kaden anf visit the place where she should have lived. As she walked through the forest she also thought of Arwen, Elladen and Elorhir she had wrote to them a couple of times but after a while she gave up. She then started looking into incidents about wolves attacking sheep but all the time it hadn't been anything to get excited about just normal wolves. Suddenly she stopped thats weird she thought to herself whats that I can smell sniffing the air she started heading in the direction of the smell. It was nothing like she'd smelt. She stopped again as thought popped into her head dhe sniffed herself a couple of times and then sniffed the air again. The smells matched, but that must mean she thought "another wolfblood"she said to no one in particular. "Another wolfblood" she repeated running in the direction of the sent. Yet again she stopped she had reached the borders of lothlorin she could go no further. She moaned in frustration. Shifting into wolf form she started the run back. Back in human gorm she ran up to the courtyard. One of the guards approached. "Yes what is it" he asked, "I must she lady Gladrial immediately, please" she said. "I will inform her please wait here" As the guard left Ria sighed and started to figet.

"Ria it is good to see you, whats wrong" said lady Gladrial as she walked smoothly down the stairs. "I caught the sent of another wolfblood" she almost shouted. Lady Gladrial frowned "are you sure" she asked. "Yes, they smelt almost exactly like me I swear". "Did you follow the sent" asked lady Gladrial, "yes but whoever it was crossed over the border so I came back" she frowned. "Look I only need a couple of hours and I can catch up to this person" , "no" lady Gladrial shouted Ria froze "don't you see this is s trap by the armies of mordor to trick you' lady Gladrial. "Or it could be another wolfblood, plz let me try to find them" Ria pleaded. "No, you are confided to your quarters until further notice" said lady Gladrial firmly she motioned to the guards. "Take Ria to her quarters and keep her there." She commanded.

Knowing it be useless to try and resist Ria followed the guards out of the courtyard and to her quarters. She then paced her room angrily try to come up with a plan of escape. Her opportunity came when night fell she knew she had only a few minutes to get away while the guards swapped over with other guards.
Now was her moment she thought as she herd the new guards approaching. Dropping out of a window she landed softly on the ground. She started to run "hey you stop" she herd someone yell behind her damm it they had seen her. Shifting into wolf form she started to run faster her fur brushing in the wind. She approached the borders for the second time today great she thought as she saw guards running towards her lady Gladrial must have posted extra guards by the border. Not slowing down she crashed head first into the group of guards. Crossing over the border she kept on running. She ran for a good hour before stopping. Sniffling the air she almost howled in delight the sent was fresh. The other wolfblood must not be far off. Ready or not here I come she thought ad she rushed off in pursuit os the sent.

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