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Elladens point of view
"Come on elladen lets go and meet Ria and kaleb before they arrive" ellorhir said. Elladen sighed as they walked down to the stables. Everybody was excited to see ria and kaleb again after not seeing them for over 7 months especially himself, ellorhir and Arwen. They saddled up their horses and rode off to meet them. "I reckon seeing as they're coming from kaden they'll come through the forest" he yelled to his brother as the rode. "Seems like Rias way of thinking" his brother replied. As they got to the forest the got off their horses a started to walk through the forest. "So. When do you think kaleb will ask Ria to marry him" asked ellorhir. He shrugged "I put money on it that's why they're returning to rivendell. So that he can ask adas permission" he stated. His brothers eyes widened "Really" he gasped. "Oh yes I mean they've been by themselves for 7 months and they've know each other for just over a year. Mark my words they'll be married before the end of the year". They laughed together an kept waking.

"What happened here?" Gasped ellorhir as they came to a mass of dead orcs and goblins. He then caught sight of someone lying amongst all the confusion. He walked over to whoever it was and gasped when he registered who it was. "Ellorhir come here quickly. It's kaleb". "What" said his brother running over. They looked around "Where's Ria" he asked nobody in particular. There was no response it was deadly silent. "We need to get him back to rivendell now and quickly. Ellorhir see if you can find their bags and maybe Brookes around here somewhere" he said quickly lifting kaleb up and carrying him over to his horse. Ellorhir came back a few minutes later holding their bags a leading a started Brooke "found her tangled up in some bushes a few minutes away from here and she had their bags strapped to her saddle" he said while trying to calm Brooke down. They then got back on their horses and rode to rivendell as fast as they could.

As they came into the courtyard lady galadrial came to greet them. She and gandalf had only been in rivendell for a few hours but she was still very excited to see Ria and kaleb again. She frowned as she caught sight of kaleb. "We found him in the woods. Looks like they were attacked by orcs and goblins. But we could not find any trace of Ria. " explained elladen. "Take him to the healers. Ellorhir go fetch your father quickly" said lady galadrial. Ellorhir ran off to find father. Meanwhile grandmother and I ran off to the healing quarters.

Lord Elrond point of view
He was quietly finishing off some paperwork when ellorhir burst into his study. "Ada, ada you must come quickly. It's kaleb it looks like they were attacked by orcs and goblins. We couldn't find any trace of Ria but we found kaleb knocked out and badly injured. " said ellorhir worridly, panting slightly.

He jumped up from his seat and asked "Where's kaleb now. " he asked. "Elladen and grandmother took her to the healers" ellorhir replied. They ran quickly through the halls of rivendell heading to the infirmary. When they got there the first thing he saw was kaleb lying on one of the beds while the healers rushed around. The head healer was tending to what looked like a stab wound in his stomach. He walked up to her and asked "what seems to be the damage? ". The head healer looked grave. "He's got a deep stab wound in his stomach, a good few bruises all over him, a serious head wound but there seems to be no internal bleeding. Lord Elrond nodded. "What have you done so far" he enquired. "We've been able to clean the head wound and the wound in is stomach and we've just been able to stop the bleeding as we. Lord Elrond nodded it looked like kaleb would be alright but he was worried about Ria he knew she'd probably sustained about the same injuries but unlike kaleb she wouldn't be getting medical attention. "We'd better get the stab wound cleaned and it looks like it's going to need to be stitched up as well. " he advised the head healer.

It took another half an hour to get kaleb stiched and he seemed to be okay but he felt as if something else was wrong but he couldn't work it out.
As he left the infirmary to go and tell his children that kaleb was okay and healing he encountered lady galadrial standing outside the infirmary. "You felt it too didn't you. " she questioned. He nodded wearily "yes even after he was stiched up. I don't think it's physical injuries we need to worry about" he said. Lady Galadriel nodded thoughtfully "I have summoned the white council. We need to find Ria and fast. She's in extreme danger"

Arwens point of view
I stared at the boy in the bed. He looked so different from the boy I had met at Ria birthday. That boy was happy and carefree this boy was stern and concerned. It had been two days since he had arrived in rivendell blood stained and tattered but he still hasn't woken up. I hated to think about how he would react when he woke up and realised that Ria was missing. The white council was meeting this evening to discuss what to do. I fear for what may happen if Ria is not found soon. Ada came in looking grave "has he woken up yet" he asked. I shook my head sadly. "Though the healers have said he's starting to heal but slower than expected". Ada rubbed his forehead and said softly "I feel like we're missing something so obvious but I can't work out what". I sighed I felt it too, something was not right.

I then heard a groan and turned round. "Ada I think he's finally waking up" I said hopefully. His eyes fluttered open and he groaned touching his head wound. "Ria" he gasped sitting up wincing at the pain comming from his stab wound. "Kaleb. It's okay your in rivendell" I said carefully. "How did I get here" he asked. I sighed "elladen and ellorhir found you in the forest". "It wasn't a dream was it. Ria has been taken hasn't she" he said sadly. I nodded slowly trying hard not to burst into tear.

"Do you remember what happened" Ada asked gently. He nodded "we were getting close to rivendell when a large group of orcs and goblins attacked us. We were able to fight them off but another much larger group attacked. They were able to disarm us and bound our hands and legs. They forced some sort of liquid down our throats. They later referred to it as wolfsbane whatever that is. It seemed as if I was on fire it hurt so much. They then carried Ria off and then I was knocked out. That's all that I can remember" he paused looking at us.

I looked at father for an explanation about the wolfsbane and realised that he had a serious look on his face. "Are you sure it was wolfsbane that they made you drink" he asked. Kaleb nodded "why". Fathers face looked grave "I knew there was something wrong not a physical injury though something different" he muttered to himself. "What's wrong ada. What's wolfsbane? " I asked worried. He turned and looked at us both "wolfsbane is an old herb. If taken by wolfbloods it can take away their wolf for a few days" he stated. Kalebs eyes widened "what?" He said. He closed his eyes trying to change as I had seen Ria do many times before. Nothing happened he groaned in frustration. "How many days does it take for it to wear off?" He enquired. My father thought for a moment "the longest recorded was eight days". I sighed this could take a while.

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