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Ria's point of view
The pack settled well within a day or so. We become used to it after having to travel so often.  It took two days to constuct the mid huts which we live in and store things in. I always find it nice to make the mud bricks and then pile them on top of one another to form a house. In the spring and summer everyone gets a small hut of their own but as soon as it starts to get colder we build a much bigger stronger hut and all sleep together. I smile as I watch Kasa trace shapes in the dirt. I stich a small rag doll for as she plays. She's only a month old but she has grown so much. Keri runs up to me looking worried and upset. "Arron requests your presence in his hut immediately" she asks.  I nod and place Kasa in her basket to keep her safe. 

As soon as I enter the hut I can tell something is wrong.  The elders of the pack stand there shooting me an almost angry glance. Arron lies in a bed sweating. " Ria, sit down beside me. " he orders.  I sit down next to him. " Ria,  I'm dying" he tells me. I feel fear shoot through my heart numbing my brain. " Isn't there anything we can do" I ask him. He smiles weakly at me " no there is nothing we can do. That is why I have called you here.  I would like you to be the next alpha. " he explains.  I sit there motionless not sure what to say.  " Why me. I haven't been in the pack all my life like other I'm not suitable for the honour of being alpha" I tell him desperately hoping he'll reconsider. He laughs but that laugh soon turns into a cough " no I decided the moment I saw the way you acted around the elves the way you act round the race of men as well.  You can cooperate but you still act wolfblood.  Please Ria I think you're perfect for leading the pack into a new age" he says tierdly.  Tears are streaming down my face uncontrollably as I nod " I'll try" I choke out.  He nods " then I can rest now knowing that the pack is in the hands of someone I trust. He grabs my hand and a golden light flows from his hand to mine. I feel a tingling and realise that my eyes must be glowing the same as his.  His eyes then go cold and return to their original colour.  I gasp as I realise that he is dead and I gently close his eyes and I move silently away from the body so that keri can check if he really is dead.  She checks him over and then sadly nods.

Aa we exit his hut I see the whole pack gathered waiting.  " Arron is dead.  Before he died he passed on the task of pack alpha to Ria. May she lead and guide this pack with the knowledge and skill of her predessors. Long live the alpha" one of the pack elders proclaim.  " long live the alpha" shout the pack and with that they kiss three fingers and raise them I salute.  I howl back to them a sign of respect that is returned by the whole pack. As they disperse kaleb approches me with Kasa in his arms. He kisses me gently on the lips and says " come on I think it's about dinner time and Kasa is hungry he says and she giggles in agreement.  I take her in my arms and we walk back to our hut to prepare for dinner.  Tomorrow will be when we bury arron and then try to carry on as usal but it won't be as usal because now not only do I have to be a wife to kaleb and a mother to Kasa but I also have to be a strong leader for the pack who grows more and more every year. 

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