Birthday Party

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"My lady" I turned around to face the voice. It was a female elf "the white council wish to speak with you in the library" she said. "Okay thanks for letting me know, you may go" I said smiling at her. Oh dear this must mean that I'm in trouble but for what. They must have seen us on the roof oh dear. I shrugged best get this over with.

As I walked through the corridor I started to worry what are they going to do with me. I could be transferred somewhere else away from kaleb. The possibilities are endless. I knock on the library door and enter. They're all sitting around the table waiting for me. They all have concerned expressions this is not good.

"Ria please take a seat" says Lord Elrond quietly. I splip into a seat and brace myself for a long lecture but it doesn't come. "Ria, are you in love with kaleb " asks lady galadria. "Yes" I say confidentiality "I am and he with me" I add. "How long have you had these feelings for him" asks gandalf
"Since we first met" I say. Wait is that what you summoned me for" I ask annoyed that I have been forced away from my reading to talk about the birds and the bees. "No it is not all we wish to discuss with you" said lord Elrond taking a deep breath "as you are aware you have turned sixteen, so we have decide if you wish then you can go off with kaleb and wander where you please"

I pause for a moment taking in this new bit of information in then say "Really. I can go and explore" I say looking around the group "oh thank you thank you, best birthday present ever ". "Before you go running off into the sunset we would like you stay for the party tonight" say gandalf smiling. "Of course. Could I please go now I've got to tell kaleb" I say standing up. "Of course" says lady galadrial smiling. I run out the room following kaleb sent.

I find him in the arena throwing knifes. "Kaleb, kaleb you'll never guess what" I yell. He picks me up and smiles "what is it" he laughs. "We're free. They've said we're allowed to wander where we please for as long as we like" I say happily. "What. That's amazing" I can't wait to show you everything. We could vist the shire, mirkwood, dale, even the white city of gondor its self" he says spinning me around. I laugh "put me down you're making me dizzy" I giggle. "When do we leave" he asks. "Hmmm I'd say in about two days, that gives enough time to plan everything. ". With that we practice knife throwing skills until we decide it is time to go and prepare for the party.

I sit in my room not to sure what to do with myself. I'm not a guises when it comes to dressing up. I hear a knock at the door "come on" I say. Arwen walks already dressed for the party. "I thought you might want some help choosing what to wear" she says smiling. I run up to her and give her a big hug "Arwen it's good to see you again. How are you" I say. "You to" she says laughing. "Now lets get to work." After about forty minutes of hair tugging, face powdering, dress tugging I was finally presentable.

"Who drew this " asked Arwen looking at the picture that kaleb had given me for my birthday. "Kaleb" I said "is that the other wolfblood I've heard of" she asked sounding interested. "Yes. he's a wonderful artist he can draw almost anything" I said proudly. "I'm so happy you were able to find another" she murmured. "Anyways what has been going on in rivendell while I've been away". We gossip for another fifteen minutes until Arwen suggests its time to go.

As we walk into the party I spot ellorhir and elladen standing talking to each other. I rush over to them and give them a hug. "It's good to see you haven't changed a bit Ria" laughed elladen. "And the same to you to" she answered. "Happy sixteenth birthday" said ellorhir. "Shh don't yell I don't want everyone knowing I'm getting older" she mock whispered. "Come off it you wolfbloods live 200 years at best. That's loads of time" laughed Arwen joining in on the conversation. A familiar sent caught Rias attention turning around she saw kaleb standing there looking not too sure if he should join the conversation. Luckily she decided for him. Dragging him over she said "Arwen, ellorhir, elladen I'd like you to meet kaleb". Kaleb smiled at each of them and bowed "a pleasure to meet you" he murmured. "As it is to meet you" said elladen.

The night went well with lots of dancing and talking. I danced with many people elladen, ellorhir, gandalf even lord Elrond but I danced with kaleb the most. It was strange to dance with him but we were both as clumsy as each other often stepping on each others toes but neither of us seemed to mind. It was a perfect birthday. By the time I flopped into bed I was exhausted.

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