Full Moon

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Kalebs point of view
I smiled as I watch Ria struggle her hair into a braid. She suddenly turned her head "you going to help me or what" she said smiling. I smiled and silently walked over, turning her around I started to comb my fingers through her hair. "Why don't you wear it down for a change? " I ask. She turned round frowning "It's too long. It'll get in way". "I think it's lovely down. Anyway why don't you cut it if it's too long" I say softly. She runs her fingers through her long hair "might be a good idea. I'll think about it" she states. "Why do you have it so long anyway" I ask politely. 'Elves" she replies as if it explains everything.

We head out the city walls and go off to hunt. We eventually find a group of deer and begin the chase. It's much more fun to be able to hunt with Ria than it is by myself. I have to admit she's pretty good considering she lived in rivendell most of her life. Eventually we get board and take down a young stag. Another reason that it's good to hunt with Ria a better quality of meat, normally I would only be able to catch a sickly or old Deer and their meat doesn't taste nearly as good. We come out of wolf form and agree it's probably best to cook the meat. We're both hungry but eating raw meat increases the chance of a sore stomach, I of all people know that food poisoning is not something you want to have. Luckily I only had a mild case of it so I was able to recover but not with out throwing up a lot first.

After eating our way through the whole deer we head back to kaden. Ria reckons that we're going to have go back to the town hall to get more information. I'm not to sure that I want to back there ever again but if it means finding out more about wolfbloods then I'll do it.

We hold hands as we enter the main area. It's the same as it was before but because we know what to expect now so although it's still hard to look around it's slightly easier. This time we head further in. We enter an office of some sort but I can smell something different. It's messed with papers all over the floor but there's no blood no smell of death like the halls and corridors in the rest of the building.

There's an old desk by a broken window but it seems untouched. Ria walks over to it and starts running her fingers along it. I throw her a questiong glance she sees it and replies 'there might be a hidden draw or something". I resist rolling my eyes of course she knows all about these things she was raised by elves, the most secretive and sophisticated beings in middle earth. I pick up the papers littering the floor and begin to read. The paper I'm holding seems to be about the recent full moons and comets.

I hear a gasp and look up. Shes done it she has found a secret compartment. I walk over and see that the compartments not empty its got a large book in it. Ria lifts it out carefully and sets it down on the desk. It has the words children of the moon written on it in faded gold letters. "Kaleb do you think this books got everything about our kind written in it" she almost whispers. I'm shocked I never thought we'd find something like this, I nod in response. She opens it up to the first page its written in wolfblood. It seems to be some sort of contents page. I then notice that the sun is starting to set in the distance. "Ria we need to go the moon won't wait" I sat tugging at her dress. She nods "okay but we take this with us. We'll leave it with the rest of our things" she says. We leave the book with our things and Brooke, I kinda feel bad leaving Brooke all cooped up in a ruined house but we can't let her out on a full moon it would be dangerous for her.

We head out to the city walls and stand there as the darkness falls. I sense Ria standing next to me and I know this is going to be weird for both of us so I give her a reassuring hug and we stand side by side holding hands as the moon comes up. It looks magnificent up here and a bit bigger as well seeing as we're so high up. I realise now why kaden was built so high up. Not for safety but so children of the moon could feel closer to the moon.

The tingling sensation starts on my hands. I look at them and see the veins starting to appear. I look over to Ria and she looks back at me. The veins are showing on her neck and hands and her eyes glow bright yellow. We smile acknowledging that we're in this together two wolfbloods standing as one. We change into wolf form and nuzzle into each other. Howling at the moon is fun when there's someone close by howling with you. We howl for about an hour which is longer than usual but it feels about the same length of time. Neither of us are that hungry so we decide not to hunt instead we run across the fields pouncing on each other from time to time. Over all it's been one of the best full moons ever.

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