Joining the pack

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Rias point of view
I sighed as I looked as myself un the mirror. I was wearing what Kaleb called traditional wolfblood clothing. For woman that ment a long skirt or trousers with a simple white shirt with or without shawl or fur bodywarmer and thick soled sturdy boots. I had choosen a pair of brown trousers, a white shirt, a bodywarmer on top and to finish it off brown sturdy boots. I had left my hair hanging down but if I needed to I would tie it up with a slice of string. I heard a knock on the door. "Come in" I called out. Kaleb walked in wearing his pack clothes. A pair of dark brown trousers, brown shirt, a bodywarmer and black boots. He walked over to me and gave me a quick kiss in the cheek. "Ready" he asked beaming. I nodded to nervous to speak. He took his hand in mine and we made our way to the courtyard.

The pack stood there waiting. Kaleb kissed me again on the cheek "good luck" he said smiling. He then took his place in the pack. I smiled to myself kaleb had gone over the acceptance ceremony with me two days ago.

I transformed into my wolf form and slowly walked towards the pack. They went silent as they watched me walk towards Arron the alpha. I stopped in front of him and transformed back into human form. I bowded my head and then brought my eyes up to meet his my eyes yellowed. "What is your name" he asked. "Ria, my alpha" I replied. He nodded. 'Say the words if allegiance" he said. " I Ria swear alligennce to the pack. By my life or death I will forever protect the pack from danger" I said. He nodded and then placed his hand on my shoulder. "Welcome to the pack Ria" he stated proudly. I smiled as he threw his head back and howled. The pack did the same abd I followed suit. Kaleb then emerged from the crowd abd ran up to me and gave me a hug. "Welcome to the pack" he whispered in my ear.

Third person point of view
Lord Elrond and his children watched from a balcony as Ria was accepted into the pack. "I'm guessing that she'll head off with the pack after the full moon" said Elorhir as kaleb hugged her. "I wonder if we'll ever see her after that" wondered Arwen out loud. Lord Elrond smiled "I think we just might." He stated. His children looked at him confused looks on their faces. "How do you know for sure" asked Elladen confused. Lord Elrond looked at them "I have foreseen a child, a child that will have a big role to play in middle earths fate. That child is Ria snd Kalebs" he told them. They looked at Ria snd Kaleb talking and laughing in wonder. "I'm going down to congratulate her, you coming" asked Arwen. "Wouldn't miss it for the world" teased Elorhir following her to the courtyard. Elrond and Elladen followed them slowly. "In what way will Ria and Kalebs child going to change the fate of middle earth" asked Elladen. Elrond tapped his nose secretivly "that's for me to know and you to find out" he said smiling. Elladen smiled back but was still confused.

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