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Me and kaleb were standing in the library talking about our plans. "I reckon we can get more information about wolfbloods in the great library in gondor" I said. "Okay and from there we'll travel south to the ruins of kaden and there we might get an idea of how ordinary wolfbloods lived" added kaleb. "Then afterwards we take a short break and go visit an old friend of mine bilbo baggins in the shire so to get there we must pass through mirkwood and go talk to radagast the brown see what he knows, that should take up a year of our time and we'll decide what happens next" I said thinking. Kaleb sighed "I can't believe we spent a day working out where we'll go". I sighed it was hard work and that late night last night wasn't helping. "we'll take only what we need. The rest we'll have to leave" he sighs. "we'll take Brooke my horse with us. She is used to running with my wolf. so as long as your wolf doesn't do anything stupid she should be alright". " what should we do on no moon days. we will be weak and defenceless" I ask knowing that Kaleb has spent many no moon days out in the wilderness. "we will have to stop in at the nearest inn" he says. We then head to the arena to practice trap setting. I learn quickly the many different traps Kaleb knows so after that we practice a bit of sword fighting and archery. I'm okay at sword fighting not the best but I am able to hit every target with my bow and arrow. It feels good to let my arrows fly and the satisfaction of a bulls eye makes it even better. Kaleb is okay at archery not the best but he is able to get close enough to bulls eye but his sword fighting is impeccable. He is able to bring me to surrender almost every time.

I then go and visit Brooke. I brush her fur and mane. I whisper word of encouragement and hope in her ear. I decide to take her for a calm trek it may be the last she'll get in a while. I ride her bareback to the borders of lothlorien and sit down next to a tree. she comes up and nuzzles against my chest. "Don't worry Brooke I'm alright. It's just strange to think that after all this time I'm free to wander and I wont be alone I'll have Kaleb and you to help me". as I ride back I start to wonder about how strange it was that all my childhood I'd always want to be free and independent to leave Rivendell and explore the lands of middle earth. when we got back I checked that Brooke was comfy and her hay rack was filled and that she had enough water I started to walk back to my room. On the way I met Lady Galadriel "Ria it is good to see you before you leave. follow me please". we walked for about five minutes until we came to a bowl. Lady Galadriel filled up a jug and filled it with water "would you like to look into my mirror". so this was lady Galadriel's mirror "what will it show me" I asked. "not even the wisest could tell you for it shows what has, what will and what may happen" she said. she then poured in the water and gave me a small nod. looking into the mirror I saw burning houses, destruction, people lying on the ground dead. This must be the destruction of Kaden I thought silently. the scene changed to a happier one it was me looking slightly older holding a smiling child. The scene yet again to show a council of some sort in rivendell. I step away from the mirror breathing heavily. "I was able to see what you saw through your thoughts" stated lady galadrial. "Why did it show me the destruction of kaden and then a child that I will soon bear and why is there a council in rivendell" I ask. "No one can tell you why the mirror shows us something" she says. "Go sleep and rest you have along day ahead" she says smiling.

As I lay in bed I thought about the child I had seen. She had my light brown hair and kalebs deep brown eyes. "Until we meet little one" I murmmer as I fall asleep.

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