The Woodland Relm

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We decide that we're best to head to the elven road so that we've got some idea of where we're going. "Is it just me or does it seem like the air is getting thicker the further we go on." Asks kaleb. He's not wrong the further we go on the heavier the air seems to get.

I hear a snapping noise from behind me. I look around listening hard must just be my imagination. Snap there it is again. This time kaleb has heard it to. He draws his sword ready for a fight. We both know that if the elves find us in wolf form we are in trouble. I draw my twin blades preparing to fight. All of a sudden a spider leaps out from the trees. Kaleb stabs it. Then we are surrounded by spiders we are able to fight them off but there are too many we're in trouble. Then an arrow flies through the air hitting a spider right in the eyes an elfish arrow from what u can tell. There is still hope. More elves fly out of the trees killing spiders in all directions. We help them slashing away at every spider that dare comes our way. Soon the spiders are all dead and the elves attention turns to us. They disarm us taking away all our weapons appart from a few of my daggers hidden in a place they would dare not look.

It hurts to see my bow and arrows taken away from me. They were a birthday present from elladen and ellorhir a few years back. We are then marched back to the woodland elves palace. I've got to admit it's pretty impressive with the collums carved out of the living stone. The elves sing as they walk over bridges and paths. We are then taken to what I assume to be a throne room of some sorts. And there sitting on a throne is king thrandil himself. "We found them being attacked by spiders in the woods ada ( Father ). " Why did you bring them here then" snapped the king. "It was the wepons they were carrying. The bow she was carrying was from rivendell. And the way they were fighting suggests they have been trained" said the blond haired elf holding my bow. The king looked at us interested "where did you get the bow from" he asked. I paused "I got it as a birthday present from family" I say truthfully. "Really. So where did you get your training from" asked the blond haired elf. "My brothers" I say plainly. I feel a sharp slap against my cheek "where did you get the bow" demanded the king. I closed my eyes trying to keep calm "as a birthday present". "Why would a mortal be given a bow by the elves of rivendell." Asked the king.

This was too much for kaleb to see me slapped then get called a liar hurt him more than me. With one growl he lept from the guards that were holding him and transformed. With one quick movement I also did the same but instead of going for thrandil like kaleb was I turned on kaleb. Due to his rage it was a harder fight than I thought. Our wolves are driven by emotion so if we're angry we're normally stronger. After a few minutes I was able to pin him to the ground. Calm down you need to relax I thought spoke. His wolf looked into my worried eyes and with one wimper he changed back to human form. I followed suit and stood up. "Children of the moon" I heard the blond haired elf say. I looked towards thrandil wondering how he was going to react. He simply stared at me. "He could have killed me and in the confusion you could have escaped. Why did you attack him" he asked. I sighed "children of the moon already have a bad reputation I wouldn't want to make it worse" I say simply.

We are taken to the dungeons which wouldn't be so bad if we weren't put into separate cells. I sigh and press my head against the cell bars. "Why did you change" I ask kaleb. "It was too much to see you slapped and then called a liar when you were telling the truth" says kaleb. I sighed "well we'd best get some sleep we could be here for a while" I said wandering over to the cot in the corner of my cell. And with thar I fell into a dreamless sleep.

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