Chapter 17 : Confessions #HWD [고백]

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"Uuhh.. Yeah." I replied, feeling extremely nervous.

"You should've called him inside." She said and walked back to the kitchen.

What was that? Eomma didn't get mad at me.. Shouldn't she be--why would she.. Ugh.

I slowly walked up to my room and closed the door behind me.
I sat back down on my bed and started playing with my phone.

I found myself smiling at the thought of what happened out there. So.. After all, Wonwoo did come to meet me. Aish, damn Soowon oppa. If Wonwoo stayed any longer, who knows what else might've happened.

Well I better sleep now. At least I'll get more than 12 hours of sleep if I sleep now.

Third person P.O.V

Wonwoo went back home smiling at the thought of what happened earlier.

He was greeted by his younger brother on reaching home.

"Where's eomma and appa?" He asked.

"They went out. Company dinner." His younger brother replied, eyes still glued to the TV.

"Okay, you had your dinner?" He asked.

His younger brother replied raising his thumbs up.

"Okay. I'll be up in my room, don't call me unless a burglar breaks in." He threw his jacket over his shoulders and walked up to his room.

"Time to get some sleep. I'm way too tired~" he sing-songed and plopped on his bed.


He woke up in a dark room. Slowly getting his feet off the bed, he realised that his clothes had been changed.

How did this--no who changed my clothes? Why is my room so dark?

He searched for his phone on the bedside table and managed to find it after a minute or two.

He walked down to the kitchen with support of the light from his phone.

As he opened the fridge to pick something to eat, he heard a faint giggle behind him.

Maeyoung-ah? What is she doing at my house this late?

"Maeyo--""sshhh" she shushed him with her fingers on her lips as she walked towards him.

Wonwoo was confused, too confused. Why would Maeyoung be at his house at this hour?

She pouted and put her hands around his neck. He gulped.

"Wonwoo-yah.." She whispered.

"Y-yeah." He softly replied.

"Look here." She lifted his chin up.

He looked into her eyes.

It was then when he realised that she looked weaker than ever. Her eye-bags were twice their original size and she looked just tired, too tired.

"Maeyoung-ah, are you okay?" He asked, his voice barely a whisper.

She chuckled. "I wish I was." She replied.

"What do you mean? Are you not feeling well?" He asked, grabbing her by her wrist and making her sit on a stool.

"Why are you here? Isn't it too late to visit someone?"

She simply smiled.

"Yah! Answer me alright." He demanded.

Maeyoung raised her hands and gently caressed his cheeks. "Your hands are really cold." Wonwoo commented, chuckling.

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