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"M-mingyu, he." Wonwoo broke down in tears, falling into my arms.

My heart started beating rapidly. "Wonwoo, what happened? Look here." I held his face between my hands.

"M-mae, h-he.. " before he could even finish his sentence, we could hear loud sirens.

What the hell is going on?

I ran towards the window and opened up the curtains, only to find around fifty cops with guns pointing towards the hospital.

"Wonwoo. What happened?" I asked again.

This time he managed to speak up, "there is this g-guy out in the hallways. He has a gun." He breathes out and closes his eyes. "He has a little kid with him. S-she's bleeding." He then opened his eyes.

I walked closer to him. "Where's Gyu?"

"He has the little girl with him. And t-that man has the gun on him."

My heart literally stopped. Although what Wonwoo said was not clear, I knew what he meant.

"H-how did you escape? Are you okay?" I examined him but he gently removed my hands and sat down in the couch.

Hands on his face, he was crying. And it fucking hurt to see him cry.

"M-mingyu pushed me back when we came across that man. He told me to run back, but I couldn't leave his side" he paused. "He told me to come check on you and noona and to keep you guys safe." He finished, more tears rolling out of his eyes.

I knew it would be a bad decision to just barge out looking for Mingyu unarmed, but there was no way on earth I'd just sit there watching Wonwoo cry as Mingyu battled with an armed man who could shoot any minute.

With legs shaking and my heart beating rapidly, I took a step towards the door which was closed now. I carefully placed my hands on the door knob. Wonwoo got up and pulled me around to face him.

"What on earth do you think you're doing?" He snapped.

"I'm going out there to save him." I smiled at him.

"Wha- are you out of your mind? That man has a gun with him and you know it's too dangerous to go out there right now." He held my hands.

Thats when I realized where all the blood came from. I gasped seeing his wounded hand.

"Christ, Wonwoo how did this happen?" I pulled him back down to sit.

"No it's just a cut." He pulled it away from me.

"Wonwoo, please." I pulled him to the bathroom which was attached to the room and carefully rinsed the blood of his hands.

I saw him wincing in pain, and somehow, I felt like I was the one wounded.

Wonwoo cursed under his breath as I applied the gauze I found from the first aid box in the room and bandaged his hand as fast as I could.

I had to get my ass out there and save my friend.

As soon as I got up, Wonwoo looked up with questioning eyes.

"I'm going out there. Don't stop me.. please. Take care of eonnie." I ran towards the door before he could even get up.

"Jeong Maeyoung neon mitchyeonya!? I just promised my bestfriend to fucking keep you safe and you're running out there?" He scolded.

"I'm sorry." I whispered before getting out and locking the door behind me. I know what I did was stupid.

Fucking stupid.

I locked Wonwoo in with Saemi eonnie who is still unconscious and God knows what the armed man could be doing to Mingyu right now.

Hopeless Romance [Seventeen ft. Exo]Where stories live. Discover now