Special Chapter 3

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A reminder to you all that this chapter is not the continuation of the previous special chapter. This is a side story and kind of like a.. You know, the future. ;)

Dedicated to Nousi_Nousi_Nousi

Happy belated birthday eonnie. <3


Our relationship started with a bet. A bet. A bet which I thought I'd never lose. And little did I know that things would change, little did I know that things would get this serious. Little did I know that I'd fall for him.

I got up from the couch and walked to the bathroom to get a warm shower. I shivered slightly when the warm water came into contact with my skin, it reminded me of how it sent shivers down my spine whenever he held my hands or pulled me closer to kiss me gently.

Getting out from the shower, I put on my warmest clothes and boots on.

Rummaging through my closet for about five minutes, I found my warm muffler neatly folded between my other clothes.

I take it out and hold it close to my chest. This may look like just a simple warm cloth, but it means more than that to me, so much more.

After drying up my hair, I put it up into a messy bun and wrap my muffler around my neck.

I got my keys and turned off the lights as I exited my apartment, locking the door behind me.

I walk towards the elevator and srunch up my nose seeing a paper pasted beside it. "OUT OF ORDER"

I made my way to the stairs and the feeling of nostalgia hit me. I still remember, I remember everything.. How could I ever forget?  I remember him entwining our fingers and pulling me up these stairs.

"Joshua, I'm tired. Don't run." I say, panting heavily.

"Aww, come on." He srunches up his nose, turning to face me and quickly pecking my cheeks.

"Mwoya.." I chuckle.

"Did that give you enough energy?" He asks, cuping my face in his warm hands.

Letting out a soft chortle, i shake my head. "Come on, the sky looks beautiful tonight. Just three more floors and we'll be there." He says, eyes liting up.

"Okay." I breathe out, laughing and following him up to the roof of the building.

"Agasshi? Are you okay?" A voice pulls me back to reality.

"N-ne. I'm okay." I offered an awkward smile to the old man.

"You better watch your steps, you almost tripped there." The old man said.

I shake my head, not being able to say anything else.

Walking out of the building, I felt the icy cold winter air against my face.

I rubbed my hands and put them on my cheeks, trying to keep them warm and ran up to the nearest café.

I sat down on the far end of the café, sipping on my hot chocolate, looking outside.

There were many people out there. Some looked happy, some had blank faces on, others looked lost. I looked back down on my cup, thinking about him.


It had been a tiring day after the basketball practices. "Eonnie, I'll see you tomorrow then." Maeyoung said, waving.

I waved back at her. "Aren't you going home now?" She asked, turning back.

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