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So.. this is a special chapter. SPECIAL CHAPTER. (P.S - this is not the continuation of the previous chapter. P.S.S - THIS IS ONLY A SPECIAL CHAPTER. P.S.S.S - you guys can request for dedications or any scenarios or special chapters^^)

This is dedicated to PhrenSks happy belated birthday eonnie!! #meaniehwaiting! ✊ thank you for all the support 😘 - yes, this was suppoed to be a birthday gift for you.ㅠㅠ [it was actually supposed to be updated on your birthday, but wattpad had other plans.. -.-']


"Noona?" Mingyu called out for the nth time. Hearing no response from her, he panicked. "Noona, you're scaring me. Hey, wake up. Jagi.." Mingyu said, slightly shaking her.

She weakly opened her eyes. She looked and felt so weak. "M-mingyu-yah.." she managed to speak out. "Yeah? I'm here. What's wrong jagi? Are you not feeling well? Should I take you to the hospital?" He placed the back of his palm on her forehead. "Woah, you're hot." He commented with wide eyes. "Shut up." She weakly chuckled, hitting his chest.

"No, I mean you're literally hot. We should get you to the hospital." He said making her sit up on the couch, where they were cuddling earlier.

"No you don't have to. Its just probably a fever.. nothing more. Don't worry, I'll be fine." She assured him with a smile, but it sounded like she was trying to assure herself.

"No. I'm taking you to the hospital right now. Wait here, I'll go get your clothes." He said, getting up from the couch and storming in to their shared bedroom.

He grabbed her parka and some warm muffler. "Jagi.. here. Oh wait." He said, helping her stand up and wrapping the warm muffler around her. She smiled at him and caressed his cheeks. "Do you know how lucky I am to have you?" She asked, as he rested his forehead on hers. "No, do you know how lucky I am to have you?" he asked back, making her giggle.

"I love you." She said, quickly pecking his cheeks.

"I love you more." He replied, gently kissing her forehead.

"Okay, let's get you to the hospital." He said, intertwining their fingers.

"Jagi wait here. I'll go get the car." he said, as she quietly nodded.

On their way to the hospital, Saemi kept on staring at Mingyu. He furrowed his eyebrows. "Whats wrong jagi? Why are you staring at me? Did you just realize how handsome I am?" He asked, chuckling. She playfully rolled her eyes and snorted.

"Mae was right. You sure are conceited." Saemi replied, chuckling and shaking her head.

"That, I think I am." He replied smirking.

"Whatever." She mumbled and chuckled while hugging herself to stay warm.

"Jagi.. hey, hey look here. Am I cute?" Mingyu asked while making some faces. Saemi laughed with all the energy she had left in her. "Okay, I think you should rest again. We'll be reaching very soon." Mingyu smiled and lightly squeezed her hand.

She smiled back. "Oh gosh, jagi watch out!" She shrieked as a huge truck was speeding towards them. Mingyu's eyes widened and quickly spinned their car around. Saemi felt her head collide with the door and a stinging sensation after that. Their car hit a tree, but there was no major damage done.

Mingyu panted heavily. "Jagi.. are you alright?" He asked while shaking Saemi. She slowly opened her eyes and smiled. "I think I am. Are you alright? Did you get hurt anywhere?" She asked back while gently caressing his cheeks. He kissed her palms. "I'm okay." He replied.

Hopeless Romance [Seventeen ft. Exo]Where stories live. Discover now