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       Tyler was always there for me. Forever and always. We had friendship bracelets to prove it, oh who am I kidding? That doesn't mean a thing. Well, I guess I'll tell you how we got here. It's started many months ago.


"Rowan! Tyler's here!" My mom yelled from downstairs. It was the first day of school, and Tyler was driving me to school, he had his own car, I didn't.

"Bye mama!" I yelled back with my breakfast granola in my mouth. I nearly tripped down the stairs, and it certainly wasn't because my best friend was dressed up in a button down shirt with gelled up hair. It was because I was simply running late.

"Oh my Ro, doesn't he just look cute!" My mom was tempted to pinch Tyler's cheeks, him blushing and straightening his collar. "Oh and you're wearing a dress? Wow such cuties." She cooed.

"Mom stop, you're embarrassing us. We're seniors now, not freshmen." I whispered a "sorry" to Tyler really quick who just nodded.

"That's right. My kiddo is all grown up." She wiped her eyes as tears threatened to fall.

"K, we're running late, bye!" I rushed out before she pulled another crying scene like she did when I graduated middle school.

"Hello." Tyler opened his car door and I took the passenger seat.

"Wow. Mr. Michael Jordan, when did you decide you wanted to dress up?" I raised an eyebrow at his fancy attire. Michael Jordan because he was captain of the basketball team, at a mighty five feet, eight inches. Short stuff.

"I'd say the same to you Mozart." He laughed. It was my nickname since I'd became a piano virtuoso.

"Eh. It's senior year, fuck it." I did feel a bit uncomfortable in the heels.

"No but you look nice." He complimented me sincerely and focused on the road.

"You too. Geek." I added to ease the awkwardness of calling my best friend's look attractive.

"Yay, we're here." He rolled his eyes sarcastically.

"Hey, cheer up buttercup, we have three classes together." I punched his arm playfully. "And only four hours."

"True, true." He opened my car door for me and held a hand out.

"Wow, Michael Jordan is a gentleman too now?" I fake gasped and he grabbed my backpack for me.

"Eh. I just don't want any new students here thinking I'm popular and available since I'm basketball team captain." He bragged.

"Whatever sport. Seasons not for another two months, no bragging until then." I laughed with him and we luckily had the same first and last hour together.

"Good morning Ro and Tyler!" A teacher we both had last year greeted us.

"Good morning Miss." We replied in a monotone voice.

"Have a good first day."

"You too Miss. Have a lovely morning." Tyler kissed up to the teacher.

Øn yøur mind // Tyler JosephWhere stories live. Discover now