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It was mine and Tyler's game today. Yippie. The only good thing that could come out of today was Josh showing up to support me.

I stepped into the familiar coffee shop, the underrated one across the street from Starbucks, and saw my favorite Barista.

"Aye RJ!" Jack called with his black apron on.

"Hey Jack!" I sat at the stool as basically nobody was in here.

"What can I get for ya missy?" He smiled wide with his messy hair.

"Um, I think I'll have a hot coffee, chocolate mocha." I laughed.

"Is this becoming the usual? Are you a regular?" He gasped and went to the blender, myself still half awake, how was he so energetic?

"Sure, why not, oh punch my coffee card too." I handed him the card with serval marks.

"Next ones free!" He reminded me and topped his masterpiece with chocolate swirls and whipped cream with caramel drizzles. Wow I needed a lot of sugar to get me going in the morning.

"Thanks, see ya around!" I left and he stopped me.

"Hey... there's this party this weekend, at my friend Alex's house... maybe I don't know... you wanna go?" He grinned.

"Sure. Yeah, I'd love that." I giggled to myself, wow I was quite the popular one, (has three friends).

"K, text you the deets, bye!" He waved and I left to first hour.

Drinking my warm creamy drink in the cold December air. Literally I was bundled up in twenty layers. So glad cheer practices were inside now, those short skirts will be the death of me.

"Who's Jack?" Tyler grabbed my drink and took a sip of it, the teacher glaring at him for disrupting me and my work. Good.

I was officially ignoring him, but I hadn't even noticed the Jack with a heart on the cup.

"Tyler, to your seat please." The teacher warned and he blushed, embarrassed.

"Sorry ma'am." He burned red, what a goodie two-shoes. "Who's Jack?" He asked hurt in his eyes.

"None of your business!" I drank the coffee, noticing Tyler's lips had previously touched the lid. Oh why was I so weird?

He turned around, staring at me the whole hour, and third, then lunch.

I ignored him, Kelsey and I at our table indoors, it was too cold to walk to lunch really, unless someone had a car, which we didn't.

"So, winter formal is next weekend, you excited?" She stabbed at her salad.

"Eh, not really. Nobody will ask me, I'm not the dating type anyways." I shrugged.

"What about Jack? He's cute?" She asked as I shook my head.

"Cute, but just a friend. And more of a prankster, I don't know if he'd be my type." I sighed.

"Oh... well would you mind if I asked him? And we can drag you along dress shopping this weekend?" She giggled happily. Well I was happy that she was happy.

"Sure. We're going to a party too this weekend, maybe you can ask him then!" I clapped excitedly.

"Yeah!" She high fived me. The bell signaled us to go to our fourth hour, interrupting our fun.

Øn yøur mind // Tyler JosephWhere stories live. Discover now