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    I had been chewing my nails, praying that I made the team. The girls including me, all flocked around the head coaches office. She smiled and put up the results.

Some cried, some laughed, some hugged each other in support. The nice girl who I hadn't gotten her name waited with me to see.

"Hey. Sorry about her calling my number and me not responding, I'm Kelsey." She stuck out her hand shyly.

"Rowan. Call me Ro." I grinned as the line moved up.

"Wow... " she muttered to herself.


"Well, you're popular, I've been at this school for four years, nobody's noticed me, but you're really nice." She blushed.

"Babe, I'm not popular. And you're nice too." I complimented.

"Oh we get to see who made it." She laughed but also nervously shook. "Wait, I can't look." She mumbled.

"Kelsey Hernandez?" I smiled as I read the chart.


"You made Varsity with me!" I grabbed her and we jumped up happily, wow I've never felt so girly in my life.

"Oh my gosh. Wait, I have to see where I am on the list." She ran her finger down, towards the bottom.

"Why does it matter?"

"Well the higher up, the better your score was, the person on top of the list is team captain." She giggled.

"Oh, I'm second to last... oh well." She smiled. She'd barely made them team.

"What does it mean if I'm second to first?" I asked.

She let in a big gasp. "You're co-captain! Oh my gosh!" She squealed. "Or, you can resign and have someone take your spot, or they can choose to not have a co-captain, but normally the captain and co-captain are like friends."

"How is that possible, I'm new, I suck." I laughed happily.

"Well, as seniors, almost every senior makes varsity, even if you're a really good sophomore, seniors always win. And since you're tall and actually athletic, you do track, coaches want you. Plus, you're not bad a faking the whole school spirit thing." She laughed.

"Wow. So I'm co-captain because of my athletic abilities? Sweet!" I was about to run off and tell Tyler. I had walked to school early to see the results so he was probably waiting with Josh in our first hour.

"Well thanks Kelsey for teaching me, I wouldn't have made the spot on the team of it weren't for you. Bye." I ran off happily as she carried her book bag.

"Bye Ro!"

"Tyler, Tyler, guess what?!" I ran into the room.

"Ro be quiet I'm working." Tyler scoffed.

"No running miss Ro, you wouldn't want detention now." The teacher warned.

"Sorry miss but I have very exciting important news."

"What is it?" Josh turned around excitedly.

"I made the Varisty cheer team!" Some students turned around in their seats and gasped.

"Well congrats Ro." The teacher actually smiled, and then Tyler finally responded.

Øn yøur mind // Tyler JosephWhere stories live. Discover now