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    Ro stood by me at my very last game of the season. I was about to sing the national anthem before the start of the game. She gave my shoulder a squeeze, while I admired her in her outfit, her last cheer performance.

Track needed her, my girl could run like no other, just how I liked to think I could shoot hoops.

A mic was handed to me, as she removed her poms from me, and stepped away.

The flag dipped low, as people placed a hand over their heart.

"Oh, say can you see? By the dawn's early light... " I sang out as a kid beside me harmonized with me. I obviously stole the show.

My voice rang out the final notes. "And the home, of the, brave!" My vibrato was getting better, as everyone clapped, and Ro cheered and whooped proudly on the sidelines.

It was time for the ball toss in, as Ro and Kelsey began shaking their poms together.

My mind was set in focus, this game was our last, and a home game. Worthington needed this win.

"Worthington is worth it!" Ro smiled fakely and I chuckled at her 'enthusiasm'.

But this game I needed to focus solely on me and that other team's basket.

The buzzer started as I pounced for the ball. Ro yelled from the sidelines as I got the ball first, but the opposing team stole from me. A six-foot giant snatched the ball, as I raced to catch him.

My heart was beating out of my chest, as he rounded the semi-circle to our basket, and scored. 1-0.

I cursed and remembered to stay concentrated, no matter how bad it got.

He checked the ball as I reached for it, grabbing it as my girl stood on the sideline, cheering me on.

Just the thought of her pushed me further, I smiled as my wrist flicked in the perfect angle. The ball soaring high above everyone else, and into the basket with a swoosh.

My teammates clapped and patted me on the back, as the familiar voice of Josh on the bleachers, yelled my name.

The game continued on, coach demanded I sit it out on the bench as I was being a ball hog.

Begrudgingly, I agreed, Ro handed me my water bottle. The sweat rag over my shoulder was soaked, my muscles tense.

I couldn't sit on the bench any longer, as coach put me in. My eyes were set on that hoop. The buzzer behind me. The fans cheering for me.

Worthington's reputation was on my back, and I carried that with me to the hoop, pushing another ball in.

The buzzer sounded. We'd won, and it felt amazing. I could barely process that as Ro's arms wrapped around me. A news crew was even here, people snapped photos of me and the team as Ro pulled away.

Kelsey gave me a high-five. As Jack patted my back, and Josh ran up from the bleachers.

"You did it Bud." He clapped my back with a big hand, as I nodded.

Coach came up to me. "We just added another trophy to our case. Thanks son." He patted my back as I grinned.

"It was because of our team." I replied humbly. A microphone at my friend Mark's mouth. He was telling the game's whole story with wide eyes. He was just as shocked as I was.

Øn yøur mind // Tyler JosephWhere stories live. Discover now