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"Pssst! Tyler!" I whisper-yelled across the room. My assignment was completed as the majority of the class finished up, Tyler included. And the little twerp ignored me.

"Pssst!" I whispered and got a couple glances from people around me, trying to work.

I knew I had no use whispering, or talking, the teacher at her desk reading, waiting for one of us to mess up.

Then had an idea. I scribbled a note on a piece of paper, bunched it up, and threw the ball at him.

It landed on his desk and he stood stiff in his seat. Oh shit. The teacher had seen.

"Well, well, well." She got up from her seat, amused, a smirk on her lips. I should be scared to death but I really don't care what the teacher does, I'm done with my work and I'm a smart student.

"Throwing notes are we? I bet the whole class would love to see... Miss Rowan... you should know better, being a senior and all." Her talon-like wrinkly fingers opened the note and she smirked again reading the note.

"I go by Ro, and it won't happen again." I rolled my eyes.

"You bet it won't. Now this is the consequence for passing notes in my class." She cleared her throat. Tyler sat still in his chair, avoiding eye contact with me. "Yo, I'm not going home with you, I have cheer tryouts, just an FYI." She looked at the class and they could all care less, except they got stared down by her, and let out forced laughs.

"Embarrassed Rowan?"

"No. And it's Ro." I crossed my arms. She gasped.

"We'll see, when I tell head cheer coach that you are passing notes in my class, being disrespectful, I bet that'll get you on the team." She threatened.

"I'm already a varsity runner on the track team, but okay."

"Hmm. Well get back to work. Before I assign more work." She scoffed and I knew I had won.

My gaze went to Tyler, I wanted to smile at him because I didn't get us in trouble, but he had his head turned to a guy with black earrings in, gauges.

"Mr. Dun, for the last time, no hats allowed in school." The teacher scolded and the shy boy turned red and took off his cap. Oh, he was the one Tyler talked about.

"Psst." I boredly whispered again. "Yo, kid. Josh?" I asked and he nervously flashed me a smile, getting back to work.

"Kid. Pssst, hey." I whispered and Tyler glared at me. Putting his face in his hands.

"Class dismissed." My teacher let out as the bell rang in two minutes. At least she let us out early. "Turn in your work whether you're finished or not." She ordered and I smiled because I had actually finished.

"Hey, Tyler, you gonna introduce us?" I motioned as he talked to the guy with the gauges and freckles. He had dark brown hair, and a nice smile.

Instead, being the immature twerp he was, he turned his back and kept talking to Josh. Josh frowned and turned Tyler around to face me, smiling softly. He didn't talk much.

"Ugh! What do you want!" He scoffed at me and I raised my eyebrows. Woah. Mr. Grumpy.

"Um, I don't know, I'm only your best friend trying out for cheer today because of you! And I'm being nice and want you to introduce us!" I pointed at Josh who nodded. "I'm so sorry, we normally aren't like this." I apologized for Tyler to Josh who just smiled and shrugged.

Øn yøur mind // Tyler JosephWhere stories live. Discover now