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    Even though just two days ago I felt traumatized by everything, I still managed to tear myself out of my smelly depressing cave I call a room, and go to school.

It also helped it was my birthday. I ignored the fact that my father died on this day, and instead focused on the fact that I was eighteen. Officially an adult.

Lately I've been proud of my nice outfits and effort I put into my look, today, like most people on their birthday, I dressed up. Wearing a gray casual dress, a flannel tied around my waist with my old school converse. And curled hair of course.

I strutted downstairs, actually happy for once. "Hellooo, yes mother I'd like some yogurt with fruit please!" I pretended to act spoiled but really wanted her to make me breakfast.

"Mom?" I looked around, her keys gone. What the fuck. I hated being selfish but no happy birthday? No note? Not even a text. She never forgot, also because of the date my dad... yeah. She didn't forget. But she wasn't here either.

Instantly feeling a bit sadder, I walked to school. This time, Tyler nor Josh showed up beside me to pick me up, nor did either of them tell me happy birthday.

It didn't help I was still mad at Tyler for completely missing my recital and lying to me. But I never confronted him.

Arriving early, I went to the small non-busy coffee shop across campus, not the Starbucks I usually went to.

"Hey what can I get for ya?" A young kid about my age asked with a grin on his face.

"Um, a java chip frappéchino please. Oh and I have this." I handed him a punch card, feeling grateful it was almost filled. I'd been to this place at least nine times according to the card. Also handing him my credit with my birthdate on it.

"Hey... this card says your birthday is today? Happy birthday." He flashed his perfect teeth my way.

"Thanks. Hey do I know you?" I studied his face.

"Maybe. I'm a senior at the school. I work mornings here and then go to classes third through sixth hour. I'm assuming you go first through fourth?"

"Yeah. Well nice to meet you... er.. "

"Jack. And your name?"

"Rowan, I go by Ro."

"Well Ro, customers here get free drinks on their birthdays, and I'm not making you a Java chip, I'm making you a surprise, you'll like it." He grinned and went to the blender.

I didn't know what to think of his surprise. But I knew I'd be late if I didn't hurry back on campus.

"Okay miss Ro, sorry for the wait, I like talking a lot." He smiled and handed me a very rainbow yet white looking drink. It had confetti sprinkles on top of the whip cream, with a candle. It was adorable.

"Here, have a tip." I sipped my drink and felt a yummy taste of vanilla with something else, really creamy and smooth.

"Thanks. Oh here's my number." He said casually, I could tell he wasn't trying to flirt. "Oh and it's birthday cake flavored, like it?" He laughed.

"Thanks Jack, I love it, I'll text you!"

"You better miss Ro, see you on campus during lunch and third hour maybe?"

Øn yøur mind // Tyler JosephWhere stories live. Discover now