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     "Ro, my parents want you over for thanksgiving dinner this year. Your mom is welcome to come." Tyler spoke as he drove me to school. It was our last day before our short break, and we'd be spending time together. So I was happy.

"I'd love to come... but I bet my mom's going to Dave's family dinner." I sighed.

"What's with you hating him? Ro, you need to stop feeling sorry for yourself." He stared ahead at the road as my heart sunk. Tyler couldn't know, he didn't, but I wanted him to once be on my side. It always seemed he was against me.

I shrugged and stared out the window. Letting him believe it was stupid jealousy.

"Hey... " he grabbed my chin in his hand as we stopped at a red light. "I'm sorry... it's none of my business I shouldn't have gotten into it." He sighed and I nodded as his calloused hands ran over my jawline.

He knew how to make me forget everything. I stared into his eyes and saw a scared boy himself. Me comforting him, while he didn't know he comforted me.

"Tyler?" I breathed heavily as his hand left the steering wheel and made its way to my thigh. My breath hitched in my throat and he moved my hand to his scratchy stubble on his chin.

"Yes Rowan?" I loved how he almost purred my name, it sent me shivering.

I frowned as the light turned green. Ruining whatever just happened between us.

"It's a green light." I sighed pushing down what I was going to say earlier.

"Oh." He removed his hands quickly from my ripped jeans and put his foot on the pedal before a car could honk at him. I still felt the burning sensation where his hands were.

"Josh asked to come, but I figured we'd all eat lunch together today, and I wanted it just me and you, like good old times." He smiled and I nodded, still blushing from our moment.

"Yeah?" I grinned at just me and him, alone.



I rushed out of our class with Tyler and met up with Josh. "Hey." I bumped fists with him.

Tyler stuck out his hand as they did our handshake. Our handshake. As in mine and Tyler's.

My heart sunk at that. It was stupid. I know. But I felt betrayed at him making our handshake meaningless by teaching it to Josh.

"Sick as frick!" Josh laughed as the corners of his eyes crinkled and Tyler gazed at him with a glint in his eyes.

What happened to coolio? Mine and Tyler's coolio was cooler than his and Josh's 'sick as frick', right? I pushed down the hurt and smiled along with them. Jealous, I was jealous. And I hated it.

"Let's go to Taco Bell yeah?" Tyler smiled and again every little thing he did made me feel like crap.

In-N-Out was mine and Tyler's spot to eat lunch. It was our tradition. Every little fad and little thing that was ours, our traditions—were ruined now that Tyler was best friends with Josh.

"Is that alright with you Ro?" Josh was so sweet and caring about me that I wanted to punch him in the face. Nobody was supposed to care about me, I was useless. "Tyler bud, I think she prefers burgers over tacos." He laughed and I shook my head.

I couldn't just hate him. Josh was perfect. And I felt guilty for tearing their friendship apart. If Tyler liked Josh better than me, oh well, I couldn't mope about it forever.

Øn yøur mind // Tyler JosephWhere stories live. Discover now