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     I sat at home bored. Wishing I could just go to school. School was better than my home life. But I did have my piano recital today.

Piano recitals came once every fourth months, only three a year. It was required that I dress nice, and me and Tyler always got Dairy Queen afterwards. He always sat near my mom in the audience, while I sat with the other students.

Texting Tyler a reminder about the piano recital tonight, I'd told him everyday this week yet he'd probably manage to forget, but he hadn't. He'd promised to go.

Mom : On my way home. We can grab a bite to eat afterwards if you want, or if your friends want to go somewhere I can drop you guys off :)

I smiled at that.

Ro : Sure. And I'm getting ready, see you soon.

I texted back as I curled my hair, trying to look my best. Wearing a black and white dress, it being fall, and skintight nude nylons. Actually feeling good about myself as I snuck on my moms jewelry.

Ro: Hey are you meeting us there?

Tyla: yeah, be there at six right?

Ro: yeah :)

Good. He knew. Spraying on a douse of perfume, a scent Tyler had given me for Christmas last year, I waited until my mom came.

Then a honk came. And I ran out, my music book in hand. "Hey kiddo." My mom drove off as my phone buzzed.

Tyla: hey I might be a little late :/

Ro: Thats okay. :)

I was just happy for him to be here. But his practice ended at five, why did he need to be late?

"Mama Tyler's gonna be late." I notified her.

"Ugh that boy." She laughed. "Okay."

Walking into the church I was going to play my piece in, I sat on the benches in front with my teacher and other students. Looking back at my mom who smiled. The program was beginning and Tyler wasn't here, oh well, at least I played towards the end. He had time to see me if he hurried.

Looking back at the clock as a girl who played before me went. Following my gaze to my mom, who sent me another smile to reassure me.

It was my turn. And Tyler wasn't here. Walking up to the bench, and placing my shaking hands on the keys, I played out. Smiling, imagining him calling me Mozart, instead of betraying me and leaving me like everyone does.

I finished and bowed, walking back to my seat where my fake smile stayed put, my mom cheering and clapping.

Even after the show, Tyler hadn't walked through that door. To say I was hurt was an understatement.

"You did great sweetheart." My mom smiled and didn't bring up Tyler, thank god. "Wanna go out for ice cream, or dinner?"

"No thanks. I'll just make something at home." I lied. Truth was I cut back on meals, besides, there was no food at home.

"Well okay. I'm going out tonight, or Dave's coming over, we can't decide." I really hoped he wasn't coming over.

"Okay." I sighed as I scanned my phone screen. No messages at all from Tyler. Why did I hate him yet love him so much? I couldn't let go of the fact that we may not be friends anymore, twelve years is a lot.

Øn yøur mind // Tyler JosephWhere stories live. Discover now