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"Hey. Wow no offense but you look rough!" Kelsey joked. We were warming up, doing jumping jacks and stretches.

"Thanks. Ya know its only cuz I slept over at Tyler's last night." I rubbed my tired eyes and Emma's head shot up very quickly.

"Well well well. Miss Rowan worrying about boys and not her toe touches." Shelby joined in. Oh gosh.

"Ya know, I too have slept over at Tyler's, you're not the first honey." She giggled. Oh barf.

"Whatever. Not true. Blah blah blah." I knew that even if Tyler did get Emma's number, there's no way his parents would allow her over. Or approve of her. Even Tyler himself wouldn't push it that far, him only dating a couple girls and telling me every detail on how he couldn't get them to kiss him.

It was quite entertaining.

Coach Owens came over, her giddy happy self overhearing the nasty girls comments. "You girls do more stretching and less talking."

"Okay." I laughed and Emma stuck up her middle finger. Classy. Then again something I'd do.

I was just glad I wasn't a flyer, Emma's "accidently" dropped a couple of freshmen this year. One poor girl had to go to the hospital. Seriously who let her be team captain?

"Line up!" Emma yelled and I stood beside her, yelling orders through the horn.

The girls did dynamic stretches, toy soldiers, as most people called them, kicking their legs up and meeting their hands, stuck directly in front of them.

"Let's try higher kicks girls! C'mom you're doing great." I called as the team huffed tiredly.

"Move it fatasses! Carly you're a size nine, move it!" Emma laughed and a few joined it, oh hell no.

"Emma, can you please not call people names?" I glanced at Carly who's head hung low as girls passed her while jogging.

"Shut it meaty thighs." She laughed. I shrugged it off.

"Well some girls don't like being called fat, it's rude. Encourage them to be better, don't raise a team from bossiness. You don't know some of these girls like that, maybe they're insecure." Carly fake smiled at me, I shook my head.

"Listen, here, I don't take orders from a homo like you!" She spat in my face. I wiped the remains of her yelling and crackled my knuckles.

"Look, Emma, I've been trying and trying to be nice, but I don't take shit from a disrespectful, rich little brat like you!" I yelled back, as the girls started staring. Coach Owens was gone, probably teaching the other teams.

"Want to go, because I'm ready to fight." Emma smiled and tightened her ponytail. Shelby cheered her on, Emma sent a glare to the other girls, them instantly cheering.

Oops forgot to mention I did karate as a kid for a couple years. "Bring it on."


"What in the world were you thinking Rowan Marie Jenkins?" The school counselor talked to me and Emma, who sported a busted lip, and bruised eyebrow, as I only had scratches from her fake nails on my arm. I could take it.

Emma sat there and cried, tried to play the victim, but this wasn't the principal, it was a counselor, he could read past her lies.

Øn yøur mind // Tyler JosephWhere stories live. Discover now