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I woke up to a heavy snoring beside me. Well, two boys' heavy snoring. Tyler was thrown about lazily, one arm swung over my waist.

"Tyler, Josh, get up." I poked Josh who only snored and Tyler stirred, turning and waking up.

"Huh?" He groaned and rubbed his eyes as I threw a pillow at Josh.

"I'm up!" Josh stretched and yawned sleepily.

"Honey!" My mom tapped on my door lightly.

"Yeah mom?" She opened it to reveal three very tired teens.

"Oh, breakfast is ready, I think I burned the bacon oops. But, you guys can come down when you're ready. I know you've only fed these boys junk food, they need their nutrition." She laughed and exited again.

"Let's wash up." I wore Tyler's flannel pajama bottoms and stole Josh's cap off of his head. He whined about his hair being a mess. I thought it'd look good colored, something about the gauges and having normal hair seemed weird to me.

"Ro, after breakfast I have to go home." Tyler sighed.

"I guess I should go too then. My parents don't really care when I'm back, but if Tyler's leaving... " Josh mumbled.

"Awe. Okay. Last night was fun." I sat next to the boys and bumped elbows with them as we finished our orange juice.

"Bye Ro." Tyler gave me a tight hug and nestled his head in the crook of my neck, as my mom saw us, but minded her business.

"Bye. Thanks for having me over." Josh hugged me and thanked my mom and Dave.

"No problem Hun, come over anytime you want." My mom waved them goodbye and I sighed. It had been fun. I closed the door behind them after plopping Josh's hat on his head.

"So.... who was that cutie..." My mom giggled. She meant Josh.

"MooOoom stop it!" I complained but laughed.

"My co-worker has a daughter your age, she said she's looking for a girlfriend... " My mom winked and I hid my face.

"MooOom." I whined.

"Sorry kiddo. Anyways, you gonna stay in your PJ's all day? I have to work a short shift today, I'll be back at seven tonight, we can go to the movies, maybe Dave can come too?" She ruffled my hair.

"Yeah. That'd be nice." I grinned and Dave huffed.

"I don't think I'll be going with you girls tonight, I'm busy." He rudely ruined or moment.

"Ugh, fine Hun, it was an idea. More mama-daughter time for us." She laughed and picked up her keys.

"Sorry you have to work on the weekends." I said sadly as she nodded.

"It's alright." She smiled sadly. I'll be back for our movie date, just be ready by then.

"Okay. Bye."

"Bye." She gave Dave a quick hug, who didn't return the favor. Wow he was a nice guy one moment, then a complete jerk the next. Maybe he was bipolar. I frowned at that, feeling bad.

I ran upstairs to go change and be productive today. "Ro, can I have a word with you?" He asked in a fatherly tone. And I didn't like it one bit.

"Yes?" I placed my hands on my hips, already annoyed.

"Why does your mother think it's okay to allow two boys to sleep in your room? And for you to go out at night with them? Does she want you to get killed wandering the streets at night, and those teenage boys–" I felt my blood boil and my fists ball up. He lectured me having nothing better to do.

Øn yøur mind // Tyler JosephWhere stories live. Discover now