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    "Hey Ro." Tyler sat by me at a lunch table with just Kelsey and I.

"Where's your boy toy Josh?" I scoffed. Tyler hadn't been answering my texts. What was up with us? We'd been friends forever, was he throwing our friendship away?

"Wow, someone's moody." He looked over at Kelsey who shyly hid. "I'm Tyler. Tyler Joseph."

"I'm Kelsey."

"Nice to meet you. NOW RO, you're coming to my house after school and that's that.

"But... " I started nervously.

"What?" He asked sadly.

"We haven't hung out in a month, I'm surprised you still care... I thought I'd been replaced with Josh." I admitted how I felt so he wouldn't just leave me one day without an explanation.

"Ro, you're like a sister to me. You know I'd never replace a gem like you." He complimented and I don't know why but my face heated up.

"Oh." I smiled and my insides flipped. Oh no. What was this? Why was I feeling all funny?

"Awe you're blushing!" He pinched my cheeks and I slapped his hand away. "Kelsey see?"

"Yup. Totally." She giggled.

"No I'm not. And fine, we're hanging out, but my place? I have the new Grand Theft Auto game, and no offense, but your mom won't let us play it at your house."

"Really? Wow tonight's gonna be coolio!"

"Coolio!" I stuck out my hand and we did our famous handshake.

"One sec, I gotta cancel on Josh, I thought we were hanging out at my place."

I slapped my face into my hands. "Of course you did Ty." I groaned.

"Hey, just me and you, like good times." He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and I shrugged it off.

"Yeah, I love Josh to death, but Ty, don't you think you're a bit... possessive over him?" I asked.

"Hmm, nope." The bell rang and Tyler, Kelsey, and I went to our fourth hour together.

"Good thing we don't have practice today huh? Yesterday's meet was tough." She rolled her neck around, my own body feeling sore too.

"I know right. You picked the perfect day Ty."

"Yay." He grinned. "I'm still waiting for news on our tryouts.

"You were team captain sophomore year and last year huh? Kelsey asked him.

"Yeah. I was too short and not as good as the seniors my freshman year." He nervously rubbed his head full of hair.

"Ty, dude you'll do fine." I rubbed his shoulder and he nodded.

"I'll try my best. I'm just scared." He admitted.


"Oh Ro, come out come out, wherever you are... " he said as I hid in the closet, trying not to let him hear my ragged breaths.

"Ro, I know you're near." He cocked the nerf gun and I trembled. Yes nerf gun.

I felt my heart drop as his footsteps halted, right in front of the door I was hiding behind. My closet roomy but not enough for me to hide in. There's no running, if he opens the door, I'm doomed.

"GOTCHA." He screamed and fired mercilessly hitting my face with the orange darts.

"Ow, okay okay, shit!" I closed my eyes as darts hit me, and tumbled forward. Knocking the gun out of his hand, pushing Tyler down accidentally, and falling down heavily on his torso. "Oomph."

Øn yøur mind // Tyler JosephWhere stories live. Discover now