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I ironed out my red dress and wore my heels, scurrying around the house with my hair half curled. Tyler's cousins from Cincinnati were coming all the way down, and his aunts and uncles and such.

So I wanted to make a good impression, curling my hair, wearing a small red dress. My heels clicking as I piled on more makeup that I've paid for with babysitting money. Should've been saving more for college, but I worried too much about the future.

My mom leaving with Dave, I hissed at him with a glare from my mom. She kept pretending to not believe that the man she loved was abusive.

I sighed and went to my moms room, borrowing some small silver studs to put on my ears. And the thin barely there locket that Kelsey had given me.

Saying whatever, if I was wearing too much makeup, and putting on dark red lipstick to match the dress. Grinning at my reflection, grabbing my small clutch purse, and driving off to Tyler's with my moms car.

"Helloo?" I ran in shivering, throwing off my coat, it was snowing lightly, tomorrow there'd be a blanket of white covering the ground. My clutch in one hand, and the pie I'd made for his family in the other.

I heard a gasp as Mrs. Joseph walked over, looking beautiful herself. "Ro dear... you look stunning sweetie." She pulled me in it a hug and shivered at the goosebumps on my arms.

"Your father would be amazed at how beautiful you've grown up to be." She whispered in my hair and I nodded at the sore subject. Planting a final kiss on the top of my head.

"Tyler! Ro's here!" She called and his dress shoes thumped against the stairs. I stared up at him with my tongue practically hanging out of my mouth. He was wearing a button down with a tie, and black pants, fitting nicely.

"Wow." I gasped and he ran into my arms, giving me a big hug. He led me to his room and closed the door.

"Ro, you look... breathtaking." He gasped and grabbed my hand. Pushing the stray hairs out of my face. He didn't just call me hot, or cute, or even pretty, but breathtaking. And I loved that.

"Not so bad yourself Michael Jordan." I giggled.

"Now my cousins are on their way over, some are annoying, some think they're better than everyone else, one's a complete tool, even more than Zack, and I just wanted to warn you." He sighed.

"It's alright. And wow, big family." I laughed as he turned to me. On cue, the doorbell rang.

"Ugh!" He groaned as I slipped on my heels again.

"Help me down?" I asked innocently, but not, wanting him to hold my hand. He shoved his into mine, chewing on his bottom lip, he did that when he was stressed or nervous or just mad.

He led us down his stairs, the heels making me taller than him, I felt great. Tyler just groaned and I wrapped my arm around his shoulder to "steady myself" in the heels. (I could walk perfectly fine in them.)

I frowned at my stupid self for trying though. It was useless, Tyler had told me he loved another girl, yet here my sad self was, grabbing his hand in an attempt to flirt with my best friend. I may have lost it.

"Tylerrrr!" A little middle school aged cousin with glasses shrieked and hugged him, it was cute, but Tyler just rolled his eyes.

Øn yøur mind // Tyler JosephWhere stories live. Discover now