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I sighed as I wrapped up Tyler's gift, printing out the tickets I'd bought a month ago. Besides, there's no way I'd sell them for the original price, and the game was in a month plus anyways, not enough time. I was stuck with them.

Seats to the Cleveland Cavaliers game. I was planning on Tyler taking his Dad or something, hoping his dad would drop us off instead, so we could spend the day in Cleveland while watching the game together.

Stupid. That's what I was.

A total of three hundred dollar tickets, one-fifty each. What was I thinking?

Wrapping the tickets in a card, writing a long message on it.

Dear Tyler,
happy birthday! I know stuff happened between us and this time I don't think things between us can ever be the same. We'd never fought like this before, and I hate being so clingy and reaching out for your attention. Blah blah blah, it's not me its you, I'm sorry that it's over. Good luck with everything, basketball, graduating, college. I might cry/laugh if we both still plan on going to the same college. Have a good life, I know you're gonna do something big with your life, maybe play basketball professionally. So here's some tickets I bought for us, before our friendship went to shit. Take your dad, or Zack, or better yet Josh. The Cavs are waiting, have a fun trip, and goodbye. Forever and always, except not in this case, I guess my catchphrase was a lie. Nothing's forever, anyways, farewell. Keep your head in the game,
Rowan Jenkins (RJ)(Ro)(Mozart)

My signature with a heart next to it, I let my tears fall onto the page, it hurt too much. Our friendship, our lives spent together, our childhood, thrown away.

Stupid Tyler. I hated that I loved him. It hurt so so much, he didn't love me back. Life was one big disappointment. Guess I'm used to it now.

Tyler hated me, was disgusted in me, while I wished he'd love me. Never in a million years.

Dave came in, his body leaning against the doorframe, stupid jerk, watching me cry helplessly.

"Why the tears?" He said with smugness and I shook my head, I was not telling him about Tyler.

"Go away." I sniffed and my hands shook, the wrapping paper beneath my trembling fingers tearing, only me realizing I messed everything up.

"Rowan... come on." He inched closer and I shook my head.

"Stop. I know what you're doing. Just get it over with, beat me for no reason." I spat out angrily. Happy Rowan was long gone. I accepted reality, my bitterness probably chasing Tyler away.

"Rowan I wasn't going to—" He began nervously.

"Just beat me. Kill me." I whispered to myself and rocked my body on my feet, my hands gripping my knees.

Øn yøur mind // Tyler JosephWhere stories live. Discover now