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I woke up at the sound of the front door opening, and shook Tyler to get him to wake up. He didn't budge. "Tyler! Wake up!" I hissed.

"Mmm one sec." Was something along the lines he mumbled. Couldn't really tell due to his dreamy morning voice.

Next thing ya know, I hear my moms voice downstairs and Dave's. Man I hated it.

"Tyler, wake up!" I poked him again.

Dave opened the door to see Tyler laying shirtless face down. And I sat cross-legged next to him. Avoiding eye contact with that monster.

To make things worse Tyler did the inexplicable.

"I'm up beautiful." He groaned and blinked into the light, squinting his eyes and placing his hand on my upper thigh.

Dave sat and watched amused. He couldn't wait to throw this in my face later.

"I appreciate the compliment son, but no thank you." He joked and Tyler's eyes widened in fear, then he calmed down once he realized Dave was alright with it.

Alright with it, as in, only okay because Tyler here. Sure he was. He kept up an act.

"Sorry." He muttered and slipped on his shirt, yawning. His shoes as Dave still watched from my doorway. Creep.

"Need a ride home? Rowan and I can take you home, or ask Ava if you're welcome to stay longer." Dave put on a smile, I wanted to slap his fakeness. He was such a good liar.

"That's alright, I've stayed long enough, my parents are probably worried about me." Tyler sighed and looked at me sadly.

"Well let's go, I'll show you the way to his house Dave." I sat beside Tyler and he held my hand, if only he knew what'd happen once he was at home.

He'd go back to his family, probably complain about his brother, or his mom if she didn't make him three home-cooked meals a day. He'd probably be happy though, nonetheless, I saw what was coming, and there was no way I could get out of it.

I stared out the window as they made small talk, and myself wondering what life would be like if I could fight this. I couldn't. But you know that being the stubborn person I was, it'd try.

Tyler noticed me grow sad, and he joked quietly. "I'll be back soon enough to hang out, don't worry." He thought I was sad about him leaving. I was, but mostly because of my shitty life and how bad it was without him.

I felt safe in his arms, but now he was leaving, and I was to be by myself. Alone.

"Yeah, goodbye." I hugged him and wanted to stay like this forever. Forever and always.

Dave stared at us through the mirror, smugly.

"Bye." He left and went to his moms arms. She stood at the door waiting for him. I wanted that. He must've told her where he had been because she waved to us in the car, Dave waved back.

"Nice kid. Is he your boyfriend, or do you still like girls?" He mocked and scoffed.

I sassily responded. "He's my best friend and who I choose to date/and my sexuality is none of your concern." I sat in the back seat and he glared at me from the window.

"Just wait until we get home you brat." He kept his eyes on the road but I wished he'd just crash the car, or pull us off into the water below the bridge.

Øn yøur mind // Tyler JosephWhere stories live. Discover now