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    Kelsey and I rummaged through the old dress shop, she had about five options in hand. While I searched for the cheapest, yet cutest dress they sold.

My mind went back to the dress I wore last year with Tyler. Sadly it was in my moms closet. And no, before running out, I didn't think to lug around the jeweled, heavy dress.

I wanted black again. Kelsey laughed at my, what she calls, emo taste.

"Just because Fall Down Boy is on the radio 24/7... " She groaned.

"Fall Out Boy, Kels. And I happen to know more than just the songs on the radio." I smiled as I searched for heels to match.

"Whatever. I can barely stand Sugar We're Going Down." She laughed. "Every kid was all of a sudden emo, and just forgot about hip-hop."

I laughed at her for not being mainstream, I was sorta the same. But man did I love Fall Out Boy.

"Help me find some shoes." I changed the subject and searched for necklaces or jewelry to match.

"Wear these. They'll drive Ty wild." She held up over-the-top 8-inch heels. Blinding with all of it's bling.

"Oh shut up." I laughed.

"Jack wants me to wear these while we do the deed." Kelsey held up red heels casually, my mouth dropped to the floor.

Of course I covered my shock up with a nervous laugh.

"What, you've never done it?" Kelsey was so blunt, I looked around to see if anyone was listening.

"Kelsey dear heavens, we are in a store!" I laughed.

"Oh you're so innocent." She laughed. "You know what they say about prom night... " She laughed and walked off to try more dresses.

"Not happening Kels." I laughed back.

"Oh little Ro, we all know what Tyler wants." She giggled as I shushed her.

"Well we'll see later then." We paid and left the store, Kelsey teasing me the whole way home.


"Babe, I'm gonna go get us some punch." Tyler left our little group as Emma came over, her "friend" by her side.

Really it was her girlfriend, who's name I had never learned.

"Hey, how's it going?" She smiled. Kelsey rolled her eyes, she still didn't trust Emma, it made me sad. I just forgave her right away.

"It's going great, yeah and you?"

"Just peachy, I don't have a date." She laughed. Lied.

Jack even rolled his eyes. He still thought she was some sort of slut, or bitchy cheerleader. She'd won Prom Queen last year. I hated stereotypes.

"Well you're still nominated for Queen this year. That's something." I smiled.

"Oh whatever. You and Michael Jordan over there are gonna win by a landslide. You're Worthington's favorite couple. Best friends since before high school." She laughed and subtly slipped a hand in her dates hand.

Tyler came back with a grin. "Emma." He acknowledged her with a nod.

"Well have fun everyone, me and my friend over here will be dancing together like loners." She lied again and I smiled. So they were going to dance together. That was cute. They walked off with smiles.

Øn yøur mind // Tyler JosephWhere stories live. Discover now