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"Oh Ro! Guess who has their first game on Monday?!" Tyler threw a pillow at me as we lay in his room, having weird conversations.

"You do?" I was proud of Tyler, still making the best out of him being third on the team.

"Yep. I'm officially inviting you and Josh to go." He grinned. I did too, for Tyler sake and happiness. But deep down, felt sad. Why didn't Tyler bother to go to my first game? Why didn't he ever go to my games?

"Sounds good." I sighed deeply.

"Hey, I know today's... the day after he passed. But can you please cheer up and stop moping about? I wanna go have fun, be reckless, wanna come with?" Tyler joked about him being reckless and I laughed, ignoring the part about him passing.

"You? Reckless? Tyler, you fell off of your scooter in fifth grade and cried because you scraped your arm. You cried in ninth grade when that girl Jess rejected your homecoming offer. Tyler you cry a lot, you're not reckless." I laughed. In reality I did probably way more, we just had different problems. And I hid my emotions.

"Do not? And you cried when you got dared to skateboard down the steep hill and hurt your arm!" He defended.

"Tyler it was a broken arm and I was ten." I punched his arm lightly.

"Well I'm an emotional guy. Emo for short." He laughed and grabbed my hand, leading us outside.

"Yep. Now what is this reckless idea?" I asked now thrilled.

"It involves a walk to the park since the sun is setting, and us going for ice cream." He grinned.

"Tyler that's not reckless. But sure I'll go." I laughed and shivered at my cheer outfit I still had on. I'd brought my clothes so I went to go change into something warmer.

"Let's go Ro." He took my hand, I felt goosebumps rise on my skin when he did that. "You're still wearing short sleeves, ugh!"

Wrapping his jacket that actually wasn't too oversized on me. It fit almost perfectly, a big red sweater that had College of Columbus on the back.

"Thanks Ty." I blushed at him and I bonding like old times. He treated me so nicely whenever we hung out like this, and I loved it.

So he again grabbed my hand and led me to the nearest ice cream shop. "She'll have a cookies and cream and I'll have a peanut butter, sugar cones please." Little things like him knowing my favorite ice cream made me think that maybe he still cared a little.

We paid and were off to the park. Him sneaking licks of my treat and me slapping his arm away. Sitting down on a ledge that overlooked a small lake.

"It's so beautiful." Tyler spoke and I stared ahead at the sunset. I turned to see him gazing at me. To say I was shocked was an understatement.

"Yeah it is... " I squirmed nervously.

He leaned in and touched our foreheads together, his breaths and lips inches away from mine. "Let's go do something reckless." He laughed.

I shivered at that moment we had, and nodded, it was getting dark. Would his parents get mad?

"Okay." I still felt the trace of hot breaths he left on my lips and I wanted more oddly.

He threw away the ice cream he didn't finish and we went down to the scary part of town, downtown. Ignoring stares from strangers we got, we went into a little old school video game shack, with comic books, old gaming systems, and a wonderland of old school games.

Øn yøur mind // Tyler JosephWhere stories live. Discover now