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The chilly November air rushed over my cheer skirt as I walked with my team to the school's main gym.

Tyler and his team were warming up, it being a home game for us. It was a routinely thing for us cheerleaders to giggle and stare as the boys shot hoops, and I'd bring Tyler his water bottle to him when he needed it.

We stretched but didn't cheer too loud, as the guys were playing a game, the captain of the team, a six foot-five inch giant. No wonder Tyler felt insecure sometimes.

"Rowan, can you hand me my bag?" Tyler laughed and I nodded, the girls teasing us.

"Sure thing bud." I laughed and danced around with Kelsey, her black pony bobbing around.

He wiped his sweaty forehead with a rag and licked his lips, his arms flexing. I noticed Emma gawking at him, and as much as I hated her, I was on the same page.

"Ohhh." Kelsey punched my arm and I ignored her hooting. I may or may not have told her about my new crush on him.

"Stop. We're just friends." I shushed her as one of Tyler's friends from the basketball team walked near us to use the water fountain.

"Ship it."

"What's that mean?" I wondered where she got all these slang words, MySpace?

"Nevermind." She giggled as I stared confused. "You should make a Facebook."

"No thanks, I'm not one for... "

"Tyler has one, he's my friend!"

"–WHERE DO I SIGN UP." I grabbed her phone excitedly.

"Wow, you really do like him." She pinched my cheek and I ignored it.

"Stop. Now let me make a Pagebook."

"Facebook?" She laughed. "And everyone here at school has one, why don't you?"

"Whatever. And I wanna have one if Tyler does."

"Ok. Or you could stalk his profile?" She wiggled her eyebrows as I nodded not knowing what he was like on the Internet.

"Lemme see please?"

"Then you'll make a profile?"

"Sure why not." I took her phone and scrolled through weird photos and random updates on his life. Then again, everyone on Facebook updated what they were doing with their lives every second of the day.

One tab read emotions, it seemed stupid. Tyler's update on his emotions from one day ago was : feeling in love.

I gasped and Kelsey looked to see what the fuss was about. "Oh. My. Gosh." She grabbed my hand happily and patted my back.

"Why didn't you tell me he posted this?! Kels, what if he's talking about me?!" I skipped around happily, realizing other girls looking at us.

"I don't stalk him. But I had no idea he'd post—wow, Ro, this is great!" I felt my hands shake as Tyler flashed his signature smile while waving.


"Ty I'm so proud of you." I hugged his sweaty body as he nodded, walking me home. His home was only a block from mine, and a little further from the school.

Øn yøur mind // Tyler JosephWhere stories live. Discover now