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"Well bye Kels, Jack, Josh. Nice meeting you Debby!" I called out as Prom night was coming to an end.

"Yeah you too." She called out.

"Congrats Em." I acknowledged on the way out. "Justine."

"Thank you, Ro." Emma smiled confidently as Tyler and I left.

We were taking a cab, we only took cabs in the busy parts of the city. Downtown and such, the skyline part.

"Where we headed?" I asked softly as Tyler held my hand in the back seat.

"To your house if you don't mind." He chuckled.

"Oh, you carpooled with Josh and his date?"

"Yeah. It's no fun third-wheeling with them." He smiled as we pulled up to my apartment. We paid the driver and hopped out.

"Your parents know you're here right?"

"Out of town, but yes, my siblings won't tell."

"Good—" My sentence was cut off as my nose was hit with a scent of rose and honey. My lights off in my bedroom as I entered, but candles dimly lit, and petals thrown between the sheets.

"Well... ?" He asked with a chuckle, my mouth hung open in a gasp.

"Oh Tyler!" I swung off my heels and went to hug him, I jumped as he lifted me by my legs. My arms around his neck, his grip tight on me.

We still toppled backwards, in a fit of giggles as he kissed me, sweetly but with passion.

"Mi Amor." He laughed as I swooned.

"You planned this all out?" My lips curled into a grin.

"Of course. Something special for my special girl." He leaned down once more but I paused with my fingers on his tie.

I loosened it as his collar was messy, just like his swept-up hair.

"Thank you." My lips found his again as his hands found my strapless dress.

Before I could process what was even happening, his fingers took off my necklace gently. And then fumbled with my dress's zipper.

He looked at me with wide eyes as I laid there exposed. My hands reacting slowly, unsure as his suit came off.

"Rowan Marie? Is this okay?" He ran his hands along my sides as I nodded.

"You sure? I could stop if you want." He asked concerned.

"I'm fine." Tyler knew how much I hated physical interaction, thanks to Dave scarring me for life.

But I'd never get better if I just sat there paralyzed in fear.

The only attention I liked was cuddling with Ty.

"So pretty." He mumbled in between kisses on my abdomen.

I closed my eyes in fear, or maybe in joy, as he moved to my neck.

"Oh Ty." I almost whispered out, what was getting into me?

He moved to the elastic band, tugging at it. I suddenly wasn't so sure anymore, and began to panic.

"Wait... you don't actually... " I began. Tyler couldn't want me. I mean, look how my thighs touched. How my legs were scarred.

"You know how much I want you right? How often I've dreamt of you. Babe please, trust me." He frowned at my insecurities.


"I'll stop. No pressure." He spoke.

"No Ty, I want this. I'm just scared after... " After Dave touched me. It wasn't pleasant. Could Tyler help me get over that fear?

"Here, hold my hand Ro." He said in a soft tone. My breaths slowed back to a normal rate. My hand in his, he squeezed it to reassure me.

"I love every inch of you." He gave my lips a kiss as I nodded with a deep blush.

He began, as my heart rate picked up again. Tears welled in my eyes, but he shushed me and held my hand, until the pain went away.

Both physical and emotional, I was renewed. My thoughts on the topic changed. Tyler had made such a fear of mine seem like heaven.

I wasn't shameful of my curves anymore, or my voice as I let out.

Cloud nine. My body drifted with his as if we were sailing. Floating.

"I love you Tyler." I let out breathily.

"I love you." He spoke softly, more confident.

We'd both never done such a thing. He was unsure too, I reassured my nervous self. Tyler had no idea what to do, but his lips told a different story.

We pushed aside that nervousness and he began with kissing my nose, to which I giggled.

It was awkward. Fun. A new experience for the both of us.

We laughed lightly and moved clumsily. We had more tender moments, we loved.

"Rowan baby, I'm—I'm really close." He managed to stutter out. Good thing he was being safe.

"Me too." I gasped out. Instantly hit with a pleasure like no other. The best physical feeling I'd ever had.

My body in a euphoric trance. Tyler's face showed him feeling the same way. I opened my eyes curiously and peered up at him in awe.

His mouth agape, lips swollen, sweat sheer on him.

He almost glowed in fact. The sight was beautiful. Something angelic, a scene from a movie.

"Rowan." He let out as I felt tingly inside. My name spilled from his tongue was music to my ears. The way he called it out in a raspy voice made me feel warm inside.

The feeling afterwards was hard to put into words. I thought of sunsets on a beach. A candle being lit in a dim corridor. Fireworks.

Butterflies swarming in my stomach, so many metaphors to describe how I felt.

We grabbed pajamas, instead of our uncomfortable Prom attire.

His chest warm, he pressed my backside to his front in a cuddle.

"That wasn't too bad?" He asked shyly.

"It was indescribably perfect." I sighed happily.

"I'm glad you agree." He laughed lightly before messing with my hair. My brown locks in between his nimble fingers.

He pressed chaste kisses again on my jaw. But more in a cuddle-some way. My round cheeks in a grin.

I grabbed a blanket, pulling it over us as rose petals swarmed my feet. The familiar honey and lavender scent still above us, mixed with the smell of love.

"Tonight was perfect." I traced Tyler's beautiful hands, he held mine and ran a thumb over my knuckles in agreement.

"I'm glad we waited for each other." He smiled and kissed my hair.

"Me too." Another sigh from my lips.

My eyes closed in a gentle manner, as Tyler had been with me earlier. The pictures didn't leave my mind, I was glad as I drifted off.

He'd been patient, gentle. And made love like no other.

Øn yøur mind // Tyler JosephWhere stories live. Discover now