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After a night at the hotel, and a lot of explaining to Tyler and Josh, they decided to come along with me to find an apartment.

We were in the nearest neighborhood to Worthington with apartments possible, a mile away in a rundown sketchy area.

Helen demanded she come, she felt bad still about the incident.

I walked up to Tyler's driveway as Josh and him sat outside, drinking Capri-suns like kids.

"Hey." Tyler went to his car as I took a seat in the passenger side, Josh grumbling about the backseat.

"Hey." I smiled softly back. "My therapist Helen's meeting us there. She wants to make sure nobody rips us off because we're teenagers." I laughed.

"That's cool." He seemed quiet. Off.


We got there and parked, the main building painted a dull white. Just as the surrounding pine trees hid the place in a dark color.

Helens Subaru parked outside beside ours, business-like. Professionally dressed in her pantsuit, while in possibly one of the tackiest neighborhoods in Columbus, Ohio.

"Helen. Nice to meet you." She stuck her hands out to Tyler and Josh. We all went inside to talk to the contractors.

"Rowan Jenkins? Hello, we heard of your circumstances... ahh well first month we're offering free rent. We hope you'll stay, let's show you the place." A lady spoke and led me through, I shyly felt guilty, they did a background check on me. And out of pity they gave me free rent for a month.

"Oh the place is nice!" Helen exclaimed a little to enthusiastically. Her being a positive person and therapist made her that way.

The brick walls were crumbling on the outside, but on the inside it wasn't too shabby. There was a tiny kitchen with barely enough space to open the fridge, and a room in back with a broken ceiling fan, a lightbulb flickering below it.

But I had money. And food. I was grateful.

"Yeah it's not bad." I frowned at the tiny living room, my piano stayed at my moms house. If only I could have one here. Music seemed my escape from all of this. I guess my Mozart career was dead. Tyler's place always had one, maybe I could just visit him often.

"Look a balcony!" Josh exclaimed to cheer this whole situation up.

"Yeah. We could hang out here." I lied, this tiny balcony held enough room for two people, standing probably.

"I like the place." Tyler announced kindly. I knew he wasn't used to this kind of living situation. Heck Tyler's house was nice, inside and out. No family troubles or housing problems.

"So you wanna rent it?" The lady asked nicely.

"Yeah. I'll give this place a try." I smiled shyly and held a pen she handed me.

The boys cheered for me as I signed, well here goes new jobs and living a frugal life now. 

"Ok welcome, hope you like your new home." The land lord said. I hoped I did too.


"The court calls David Edwards." A jury spoke as I shivered on my side of the court. As if he'd really come and attack me with all of these people watching, including guards.

Øn yøur mind // Tyler JosephWhere stories live. Discover now